7.50 fails withschannel: initial InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_INVALID_TOKENafter setting winecfg's Windows Version to < Windows 8 as per"schannel: failed to retrieve ALPN result" when running on Windows 7#840, otherwise same as 7.49 operating system Curl was ran with wine v1.9.17 ...
# curl https://github.com/therealkenc/libudev-stub/releases/download/v0.9.0/libudev-stub-0.9.0-WSL.deb > libudev-stub-0.9.0-WSL.deb # sudo dpkg -i libudev-stub-0.9.0-WSL.deb # curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.gpg # sudo mv micro...
You can debug apps running in either a Windows Docker Container or a Linux .NET Core Docker container using Visual Studio. Prerequisites If it's not already present on the Linux server, you need to install SSH server, unzip and install with either curl or wget. For example, on...
To run the daemon locally in a Docker container, save the following text to a file namedDockerfile. Download the completeexample imageon Amazon ECR. Seedownloading the daemonfor more information. Example Dockerfile – Amazon Linux FROMamazonlinuxRUNyum install -y unzipRUNcurl -o daemon.zip https...
MmscUrl (Windows) Film Age Effects SizeTToPtrdiffT function (Windows) SSIZETToIntPtr function (Windows) UIntPtrToSSIZET function (Windows) ULongLongToInt64 function (Windows) WordToShort function (Windows) _IMathInputControlEvents::Paint method (Windows) IWMPNodeRealEstateHost (deprecated) interfac...
There is no problem to access "https://api.openshift.com/api" using curl.exe and browsers on your up-to-date Windows OS, but in rosa cli case, "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" errors is shown. Resolution This issue was already fixed and resolved rosa cli would be provide...
The focus of this article will be on getting NVIDIA GPUs managed and configured in the best way on Azure Kuberentes Services using NVIDIA GPU Operator...
Windows PowerShell Index -contains operator vs .contains() method -ea operator -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue parameter is not being respected & $error variable not updated -ExpandProperty & Export CSV !!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A posi...
NetworkMiner can be run in a highly efficient Windows Sandbox in order to analyze malicious PCAP files in Windows without accidentally infecting your Windows PC. This blog post shows how to set up a Windows Sandbox that always boots up a fresh install of
Verify elasticsearch is serving requests from a browser on the same machine in Windows or using a tool like curl on Linux. Windows browser example: http://localhost:9200/_status A page specific to the browser will appear. Linux examples: ...