# function LaunchElevated { # Set up command line arguments to the elevated process $RelaunchArgs = '-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -file "' + $ScriptPath + '" -IsRunAsAdmin' # Launch the process and wait for it to finish try { $AdminProcess = Start-Process "$PsHome\PowerShell.exe" -Ve...
Also due to some specific requirements, we have to have run that script file by adding the admin credentials inside it. Along with other solutions I have tried so far, the one close to what I am looking for is as follows $username = "Domain\user" $password = ConvertT...
✅ running DOS as ADMIN:I would like to run a command (schtasks) that requires ADMIN privileges. I added schtasks to a bat file (along with my other DOS commands that do not...
So I tried a bunch of these solutions and none of them really worked for me. I had to use regular old command line with admin rights to get it working. I didn't try it with powershell though - I use git bash as my default terminal for visual studio. Is there something else you h...
Add-printer command not working for remote computers Add-Printer command NOT WORKING! Add-PrinterDriver -InfPath add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin Add-WindowsFeature, Get-WindowsFeature modules not recognized in powershell. ADD-WorkSheet Excel Adding -Verbose to a Cmdlet Preven...
Had previous version installed. Describe the bug running either ; iwr -useb https://christitus.com/win | iex or irm christitus.com/win | iex Chocolatey Version choco : The term 'choco' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,...
This post is an update to an older post on the same topic. macOS has changed and I had a few things to add. Rather than keep modifying the older post, I decided to make this new one. As MacAdmins, most of the scripts we write will use tools that require
How do I start at a specific line when using StreamReader (C#) How do I stop a check box being checked in a CheckedListBox but still allow an item to be selected How do i store values as name/value pair in a listbox? how do I unit test a post (web-api) call with a token ...
To run the Admin Server as an application, use the Tm1admsrv.exe executable file. This file is placed in the install_dir\bin directory when you install IBM Planning Analytics. You can run the Admin Server by double-clicking the tm1admsrv.exe file, but we
A .cat file is signed with the command-line tool SignTool. The digital signature on the catalog, which is used to verify kernel mode image files, must contain a cross-certificate. The cross-certificate is added using a new command option to SignTool....