A container is a process which runs on a host. The host may be local or remote. When you execute docker run, the container process that runs is isolated in that it has its own file system, its own networking, and its own isolated process tree separate from the host....
On Windows: double-click make.bat in docker\mingw On Unix-like system: cd shadowsocks-libev/docker/mingw make A tarball with 32-bit and 64-bit binaries will be generated in the same directory.You could also manually use MinGW-w64 compilers to build in Unix-like shell (MSYS2/Cygwin), ...
Filename: compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat Staging.Stats: Worktree.Stats: M Extra.Stats:true Apart from the obvious differences of output format I was expecting my test to not return any files the same way the git command didn't. If I run the git status again on the repo it still says...
gitlab-ci-multi-runner 1.11.1 To reproduce register a runner to your gitlab instance with theshellexecutor. I chose to give the runner the tagubuntu_amd64 create a project with a simplegitlab-ci.ymlfile: build:stage: buildtags:- ubuntu_amd64script:- ping localhost start a pipeline and ...
Runs before a package archive (a.tgzfile) is created: Duringnpm publish Duringnpm pack Runs when a package is installed from git or a local path. Runs whennpm installis used without arguments or when a package is installed globally.
Summary when i try to run bash_unit test/end-to-end/test-baseline.sh on my local development machine, or anything that mounts a local directory...
How to Solve Error Message python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError: --plat-name must be one of ('win32', 'win-amd64', 'win-arm32', 'win-arm64...
Runbuild_all.batto build FreeRTOS source code, which you can find in FreeRTOS source code directories. Extract entry point instruction from firmware: RunC:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.batfile in a command prompt. Run commandreadelf -h firmwareFile.elf, it will output entry point address of the...
Here's a simple way you can run Internet Explorer from the command line: Create a new text file that contains the following line: @start "" /b "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %* Rename the file e.bat Copy this file to your profile folder C:\Documents and Settings\...
A container is a process which runs on a host. The host may be local or remote. When you execute docker run, the container process that runs is isolated in that it has its own file system, its own networking, and its own isolated process tree separate from the host....