Callable 的 call() 方法包含 “throws Exception” 子句,因此我们可以轻松地进一步传播已检查的异常。 例子: Java // Java Program to illustrate Callable interface// Importing classes from java.util packageimportjava.util.Random;importjava.util.concurrent.Callable;importjava.util.concurrent.Future;importjava....
Difference between Runnable and Callable interface in java Runnablewas introduced in java 1.0 version While Callable is an extended version of Runnable and introduced in java 1.5 to address the limitation of Runnable. Runnable does not return any value; its return type is void, while Callable have...
如上是调用ThreadPoolExecutor.execute()的执行序列图,在这个过程中最终也是通过Thread调用了传递进来的Rannable对象。 其实ThreadPoolExecutor除了实现Executor.execute()方法,还实现了ExecutorService.submit()方法,在submit()方法中允许执行一个有返回值的Callable任务。关于ThreadPoolExecutor的更多使用细则暂且不再论述,这里...
如上是调用ThreadPoolExecutor.execute()的执行序列图,在这个过程中最终也是通过Thread调用了传递进来的Rannable对象。 其实ThreadPoolExecutor除了实现Executor.execute()方法,还实现了ExecutorService.submit()方法,在submit()方法中允许执行一个有返回值的Callable任务。关于ThreadPoolExecutor的更多使用细则暂且不再论述,这里...
Like the well-known ExecutorService from the Standard Edition, the ManagedExecutorService can be used to submit tasks that are executed within a thread pool. One can choose if the tasks submitted should implement the Runnable or Callable interface. ...
We can run Runnable tasks using the Thread class or ExecutorService, whereas we can only run Callables using the latter. 3. Return Values Let’s look deeper at how these interfaces handle return values. 3.1. With Runnable The Runnable interface is a functional interface and has a single run...
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