可在Stronghold of security (barbarian village 下面地洞第一层)里找到。这些会掉落大量的iron arrows, 每支可以卖大概20gp.另外,有大量的所以不会枪不到。等级10-30不等。Hill giants在edgeville dungeon 和 edgeville dungeon内的副本里找到。28级并且数量很多,所以非常好杀。每只都会掉落大骨头,一个能卖600gp,...
The Stronghold of Security is a dungeon for low-level combat training, with rewards requiring answers to some security-related questions. It is located in the middle of the Barbarian Village and was the first major update open to free-to-play players sin
Rare and Holiday Items Guide Slayer Equipment Guide Stronghold of Player Safety Tormented Demon Slaying Guide TzHaar Region Guide Waterfiends Slaying Free players Members only There are currently15guides in this section. Submit your own guide in the forums!
Stay Safe – Fully complete the Stronghold of Player Safety. To complete this requirement, you need to traverse the dungeon beneath the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence, just North of Barbarian Village. Here you will collect 2 experience lamps, an emote, coins, and special gloves. Stay...
Waterbirth Island Dungeon is a large and very dangerous dungeon found under Waterbirth Island and consists of several sublevels that contain powerful, aggressive monsters. Players must be prepared to encounter all three combat styles. Few safespots are a