Lesser cave, Karamja volcano - pick up red spider eggs and dig. Must have lots of railings. or Must be full of railings. Search the crate outside the house with the broken multicannon (near where you start the Dwarf Cannon quest.) It's the first crate to the west with the 'X' ...
Collecting red spiders' eggs 334,000 Decent and recommended 25 recommended for Protect Item Collecting Unknown Opening sinister chests 163,000 49 58 recommended Processing Unknown Gnome Restaurant 254,000 42 strongly recommended 66 recommended 43 (optional but there may be aggressive foes nea...
Pets that hatch from eggs need to be incubated before they hatch, which requires them to be placed in an egg incubator found in the Pet shops in Taverley and Yanille. Players receive a chat box notification when the egg has hatched. Any pet hatched in an incubator remains there until the...
Note that as of December 2018, another one of Mod Daze's Easter Eggs have been found. This enables you to purchase a Skillcape for half price (only from the master, notElen) if you are wearing aRing of Charos (a). Be aware that "Half price" is 92,000Coinsas the experience at lev...
Holiday Rares: Holiday Rares are items that were dropped on holidays to give the RuneScape players a bit of a reward for playing. Jagex made some of the later holiday items untradeable due to the fact that players were collecting lots of them, and selling them to make lots of cash fast...
She uses rapid melee and Ranged attacks and can only be damaged with omega eggs fired from the egg launcher. Defeating her earns players 80 honour points in their chosen roles, and 5 points in the other roles. Melee Ranged Avatar of Creation and Avatar of Destruction 65 Soul Wars In ...