5 Water Strike (4) A basic Water missile 7.5 7 Clear Mind Chance of lowering your opponent's Prayer points and giving part of them to you 17 7 Enchant Level 1 Jewelry For use on Sapphire Jewelry 17.5 9 Earth Strike (6) A basic Earth missile 9.5 11 Weaken Reduces your opponents strengt...
Then grind the Diamond root with a Pestle and mortar and enchant it as if it was diamond jewelry. Add the Enchanted diamond root dust to the Mountain irit potion (unf), and then add the Yeti hair. You will now have a Yeti curse cure potion. Return to Miscellania and give King ...
Enchantable headgearWhile not strictly enchantable headgear, antlers, lizard skulls, and feather headdresses could store summoning scrolls and are included in this following list for comparison purposes. Helm Scrollcapacity Summoninglevel to enchant ...
Dragonstone Amulets:The dragonstone amulet can be enchanted into an Amulet of Glory using the Enchant Level 5 Jewellery spell, requiring level 68 Magic, a cosmic rune, 15 earth runes and 15 water runes. Amulets of Glory can be used in fast teleporting to the Edgeville bank and a hard clue ...
57 Free play Cast Enchant Level 4 Jewellery to enchant diamond jewellery from the standard spellbookMembers One of the requirements for Glorious Memories Cast Enchant Crossbow Bolt (Diamond) to enchant diamond bolts from the standard spellbook
In addition to normal Bakriminel bolts, Members can top them with gemstone bolt tips and enchant them to create two more types of bolts. Tips Bolt Level To Fletch Experience Magic Level To Enchant Enchanted Opal bolt tips Opal bakriminel bolt 89 11.4 89 Opal bakriminel bolt (e) Sapphire...
Scorpion Catcher Short 1 6625 Strength XP, Thormac will enchant Battlestaffs for you for 40K coins, and 2 Treasure Hunter keys. Sea Slug Short 1 Oyster pearls, 7175 Fishing XP, access to the Fishing Platform, and 2 free keys for Treasure Hunter.. Shades of Mort'ton Short 3 2K Herblore...
Answer a series of concerns to enchant the ingredients. After the Ingredients are enchanted, Use the ingredients on every single other. Bake the cake on a range, then revive the Lumbridge guide. Specifications Talent: 25 Cooking. Quest: Gertrude's Cat, Shadow on the Storm. ...
Note: Due to the way this walk-through was written, it is suggested that you read the entire walk-through before attempting the quest, so you will know when to have the above mentioned items in your inventory. Items for this Section: Bring Dragon Bones a
Lvl-3 Enchant requires a Magic level of 49. It imbues ruby and topaz jewellery with magical properties, and can also be used in the Mage Training Arena. This spell may be transferred to a piece of soft clay at a lectern in the Study of a Player-owned hou