In Runescape Classic you could not run so combat was almost always to the death and there was no auto-retaliation meaning that cheap shots would decide the outcome most of the time. The Runescape we play today offers easy escape routes via teleporting and running but on the other hand it ...
RuneScapewas originally going to be released as DeviousMUD. However, after a few days, the Gower Brothers pulled the game back off, and later re-released it, with modifications, asRuneScape(RuneScape Classic). Milestone On March 28, 2005, the game passes the 300,000 member mark for the fir...
Ive Been playing runescape since classic and it has come along way its a game one should try out if just bored or looking for a new mmo to play i was hooked on the game for 5 years no joke. i still sometimes play today its for all ages too. got myself a level 134 at the momen...