Options is a screen which allows players to change various in-game settings, such as graphical, volume and screen settings and many others. Graphic settings lets player to choose preferable and best setup to play RuneScape with. The current options for m
Adamant bar +, Runite ore +, Rune bar +, Grimy torstol +, Grimy snapdragon +, Super restore (4) +, Prayer potion (4) +, Lantadyme seed +, Dwarf weed seed +, Magic seed +, Palm tree seed +, Flax +, Molten glass +, Soft clay +, Yew logs +, Teak plank +, Mahogany plank...
Uses very accurate, hard-hitting magic attacks. Must get past aggressive chaos dwarves and magic axes if not using the shortcut. Must get past aggressive poison spiders if using the shortcut. Can take a long time to kill for rangers at this level, even when exploiting their weakness to bol...