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but if you're an ironman, you can't trade with other players, meaning you have to earn and craft all your items yourself. This makes RuneScape much more demanding, but it also amps up the payoff of getting things done. As such, it's rapidly becoming the most popular way to play. Tr...
Warning: This quest will lead you into the Wilderness. Items required: None Recommended: A Camelot/Catherby Teleport to move onto the next section quickly. To begin, talk with Dimintheis, who lives in the fenced off area of Varrock in the southeastern ar
Zulrah can be intimidating and has ended many a Hardcore Ironman in its time. However, in learning Zulrah's rotations, you can easily find yourself achieving upwards of 30 wins an hour. The Tanzanite fang, Magic fang, and Serpentine visage can all net you over 2 million each alongside commo...