3.总是使用完Spec Bar。如果你的目标离银行很远并且掉落了骨头,可以通过学习并使用“骨头变桃子”来获得一些魔法经验。这对于像Dust Devils这样的怪物来说非常理想。4.了解你的对手。如果敌人使用剑,穿上板甲。如果敌人使用法杖或有基于法师的攻击,穿上D Hides。如果敌人使用弓箭,不要靠近。不,花岗岩和水晶对远...
Dust Devils Earth Warriors Elves Fire Giants Goblins Green Dragons Ghouls Harpie Bug Swarms Hellhounds Hill Giants Ice Giants Ice Warriors Infernal Mages Jellies Jungle Horrors Kalphites Killerwatts Kurasks Lesser Demons Mogres Moss Giants Other Worldly Beings Ogres Pyrefiends Rock Slugs Sea Snakes ...
For example, complete Slayer challenges, fight through dungeons, or kill Dust Devils and Frost Dragons to make money. Expert Q&A Ask a Question Submit Tips Upgrade your armor and weapons whenever you're having trouble with the recommended monsters. If you're going for 99 bring a friend...