|Body2 = [[Ancient's Pledge (Diablo2)|古代人的契约]]{{*}} [[Black (Diablo2)|黑色]]{{*}} [[Fury (Diablo2)|狂暴]]{{*}} [[Holy Thunder (Diablo2)|圣雷]]{{*}} [[Honor (Diablo2)|荣耀]]{{*}} [[King's Grace (Diablo2)|国王之恩典]]{{*}} [[Leaf (Diablo2)|叶子]]{{...
Runewords (Diablo2)(重定向自Runes Word)目录 [隐藏]1 符文之语 2 符文之语的规则 3 其他信息 4 公式要求的物品类型 5 符文之语公式列表符文之语符文之语是一种以特殊的顺序把正确的符文镶嵌在正确的带孔装备以获得特殊属性的物品机制. 当你按一定的顺序,将正确的符文放入符合要求的凹槽物品后,就会得到很多...
An Ist rune is a mid rune which can be socketed into equipment in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Although Ist runes are less difficult to obtain than high runes, their magic finding attributes make them valuable enough that they can usually be traded in bulk for high runes. ...
A Lum rune is a low-mid rune which can be socketed into equipment in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. In open and ladder games, Lum runes are useful for upgrading unique weapons to elite versions. Socketing an item with a Lum rune increases the item's lev
Steel is the rune word 'TirEl' for swords, or axes in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. As Steel is easy to make, it can be useful to melee characters in the early game. Its Open Wounds mod may make it worthwhile to keep as a "swap" weapon despite its othe
Splendor is the rune word 'EthLum' for off-hand armor in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Splendor seems to be intended for spellcaster use. Sadly, Spirit Rune Word completely outclasses it in that aspect, while the Lidless Wall is also slightly better. H
[[Charged Items (Diablo2)|充能装备]]{{*}}[[Runewords (Diablo2)|符文之语装备]]{{*}}[[Class-Spicific Items (Diablo2)|职业专用装备]]{{*}}[[Staffmods (Diablo2)|随机属性]]{{*}}[[Quest Items (Diablo2)|任务道具]]{{*}}[[Imbue (Diablo2)|注入]]{{*}}[[Gamble (Diablo2)|赌博...
用外部程序编辑此文件 (请参见设置步骤了解详细信息) 文件链接以下的5个页面链接到本文件: Sur Runes (Diablo2) 模板:瑟 Sur (Diablo II) 符文列表 (Diablo II)分享到: 更多 登录 文件 讨论 阅读 查看源代码 查看历史 搜索 网站地图暗黑百科首页 百科分类列表 玻璃渣首页 凯恩之角首页 凯恩之角社区 最近...
Gloom is the rune word 'FalUmPul' for body armor in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. With high enhanced defense and resistances, Gloom can do wonders to decrease damage taken on a character. The Dim Vision proc further gives a small chance to disable rang
Rune2.png (42×42像素,文件大小:3 KB,MIME类型:image/png) 符文图标 文件历史 点击日期/时间以查看当时出现过的文件。 日期/时间缩略图维度用户注解 当前2012年8月7日 (二) 07:14 42×42(3 KB)鸡蛋(讨论|贡献)(符文图标) 用外部程序编辑此文件(请参见设置步骤了解详细信息) ...