it's about creating a working framework that provides guidance from additional internal or external support if an issue escalates to key levels. The requirements for an incident response runbook have increased, pushing some to instead adoptflows. ...
It’s common for people to print them out and tick off the steps as they walk through them. Teams use runbooks for two core reasons: Routine operations tasks, like database administration and service maintenance. Emergencies and incident response like website failovers and unplanned ...
Incident Response & Management Detect and respond to incidents with a simplified workflow monitor infrastructure Out-of-the-box KPIs, dashboards, and alerts for observability Linux Windows Docker Postgres MySQL AWS Kafka Jenkins RabbitMQ MongoDB visualize any data Instantly connect all your data ...
Reducing error rates for manual tasks. Operations are performed in a consistent manner. New team members can start performing tasks sooner. Runbooks can be automated to reduce toil. Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established:Medium ...
Automating processes and enforcing best practices for incident, change, and service-life-cycle management. Reducing unanticipated errors and service delivery time by automating tasks across responsibility groups within your IT organization. Integrating System Center with non-Microsoft tools to enable ...
Previously, in 2017, I wrote about Things I Learned Managing Site Reliability for Some of the World’s Busiest Gambling Sites. A lot of it focussed on runbooks, or checklists, or whatever you want to call them (we called them Incident Models, after ITIL)