Pipe your normal Runas commandline into Sanur and specify the password on Sanur's commandline or use the /i switch to have Sanur read the password from a file:- RUNAS| SANUR password RUNAS| SANUR /i [drive:][path]filename In otherwords, just add | SANUR password to the end of your ...
Pipe your normal Runas commandline into Sanur and specify the password on Sanur's commandline or use the /i switch to have Sanur read the password from a file:- RUNAS <options> | SANUR password RUNAS <options> | SANUR /i [drive:][path]filename In otherwords, just add | SANUR passwor...
其实,命令非常简单:runas /user:user_name program.exe user_name是要使用哪个用户运行该程序就写上哪个用户名,program.exe是程序名,如果program.exe不在system32目录下的话,需要指明具体路径。为了证明这个过程,做一个实验,那就是使用guest帐号来运行at命令,查看当前的计划任务清单,大家都知道,guest默认情况...
管从文件命名为password.txt runas密码:— RunAs / U:域\用户名program.exe |沙努尔/我password.txt 同上,但任何运行错误,如登录失败,将显示:— RunAs / U:域\用户名的程序。 exe > 2 |沙努尔/我password.txt 支持 作为2005-01-11沙努尔不再支持。如果你有问题得到沙努尔工作,请阅读故障排除和FAQ页面,或...
Pipe your normal Runas commandline into Sanur and specify the password on Sanur's commandline or use the /i switch to have Sanur read the password from a file:- RUNAS | SANUR password RUNAS | SANUR /i [drive:][path]filename In otherwords, just add | SANUR password to the end of yo...
Pipe your normal Runas commandline into Sanur and specify the password on Sanurs commandline or use the /i switch to have Sanur read the password from a file:- RUNAS| SANUR password RUNAS| SANUR /i [drive:][path]filename In otherwords, just add | SANUR password to the end of your ...
passwordonSanur'scommandlineorusethe/iswitchtohaveSanurread thepasswordfromafile:- RUNAS|SANURpassword RUNAS|SANUR/i[drive:][path]filename Inotherwords,justadd|SANURpasswordtotheendofyour workingRunascommand. Examples Pipethepassword'pa55w0rd'intoRunas:- ...
คัดลอก runas /netonly /user:<Domain>\<User_Name> "<Command>" <Domain>\<User_Name> must be a user with sufficient permissions to administer the server. When prompted, type the account password. Additional references Command-Line Syntax Key...
1. 使用系统自带的 runas /savecred 选项,第一次输入密码后,会保存凭据。下次运行就免除输入。2. 使用 sanur,sanur 是一个小程序,能以管道的方法将密码传递给 runas 程序。runas | sanur password 下载 http://www.commandline.co.uk/sanur_unsupported/sanur.zip ...
runas 命令的使用及runas自动输入密码的方法(The use of runas command and the method of runas automatic input password) The use of runas command and the method of RUNAS automatic input password 2009-11-06 16:44 In Win2K, start programs accessories, find a calculator, hold down the shift key,...