在初次使用粒径测量统计软件Nano Measurer时,可能会在设定标尺时碰到报错: Run-time error '11': Division by zero 报错弹窗 问题出现的原因是在设定标尺时先点击了图片,然后选择了设置-标尺,输入标尺后再用鼠标划定标尺。 0 故只要在导入图片后不进行其它操作,直接在图片上用鼠标划定标尺,再点设置-标尺进行标尺数...
可能是系统部兼容这软件 WIN7 的话基本不用这些东西,因为win7本身硬件要求就高,内存最好4G以上,CPU最好双核4线程的
11 Division by zero Problem with a math formula in the program or the programs code. Verify no software updates are available for the program causing this error. 13 Type Mismatch Make sure your system regional settings are setup correctly and that the program you're running is made for your...
Division by zero (Visual Basic Run-Time Error)Članak 16. 11. 2012. An expression being used as a divisor has a value of zero.To correct this errorCheck the spelling of variables in the expression. A misspelled variable name can implicitly create a numeric variable that is initialized to...
11 Division by zero Problem with a math formula in the program or the programs code. Verify no software updates are available for the program causing this error. 13 Type Mismatch Make sure your system regional settings are setup correctly and that the program you're running is made for your...
10 Duplicate definition Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors contact the software developer. 同5 11 Division by zero Problem with a math formula in the program or the programs code. Verif...
新浪潮运行时出现run-time error"11":division by zero怎么解决 只看楼主 收藏 回复丸子的云盘 初级粉丝 1 登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示0回复贴,共1页 <<返回新浪吧 分享到: ©2022 Baidu贴吧协议|隐私政策...
The point, here, is that an integer division by zero is not a standard library implementation detected error: basic integer arithmetic is considered by the C++ language as primitive to the hosting environment. In most of the platforms, operator/(int,int) is implemented through a DIV assembler ...
10 Duplicate definition Program error, verify the program has all the latest updates. If updated, try reinstalling the program. If you continue to have the same errors, contact the software developer. 11 Division by zero Problem with a math formula in the program or the program's code. Verif...