Example of a comma splice: × Participants could leave the study at any time, they needed to indicate their preference. 以上分别是两个独立的句子,虽然有了逗号隔开,但依旧是错误的,这属于run-on sentence的一种:comma splice。 ×Example of a longer run-on sentence: Toni Morrison is a professor a...
Example of Error: The boy ate his dinner, however, his sister played quietly in the corner. Correction: The boy ate his dinner; however, his sister played quietly in the corner. Five Basic Ways of Correcting a Run-on Sentence Comma Plus Coordinating Conjunction Semi-colon Period and Capital...
You know what a sentence is. Be disciplined. Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough.(Comedian Groucho Marx) I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself.(Pl...
What is example of a run-on sentence? There are three types of run-on sentences. Here are examples of each type: Fused sentence: My favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry I also like chocolate. Comma splice: My favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry, I also like chocolate. Polysynde...
Example of a comma splice: × Participants could leave the study at any time, they needed to indicate their preference. 以上分别是两个独立的句子,虽然有了逗号隔开,但依旧是错误的,这属于run-on sentence的一种:comma splice。 × Example of a longer run-on sentence: ...
Example #1 (run-on)Today I am tired I will take a nap later.Grammatical Error: This run-on has two separate independent clauses, or complete sentences, with no conjunction and no punctuation.Reasoning: The first part of the sentence "Today I am tired" is an independent clause or a ...
For example, in the first sentence ("I went to school I had a headache") is the writer stating that they went to school even though they had a headache? Or they had a headache because they went to school? The writer's intended meaning is lost because the connection between the two ...
1.FusedSentence2.CommaSplice FusedSentences Definition:InfusedExample:Theboyatesentences,twoormorehisdinnerhissisterindependentclausesplayedquietlyinthe“runtogether”withnocorner.punctuation.IndependentClauseIndependentClauseIndependentClause Trainanalogy(above):Thetraincarsareruntogetherwithoutanycouplingdevices...
If you don’t connect the clauses with a semicolon or comma with a conjunction, the sentence is incorrect. These mistakes are called run-on sentences. I fell asleep the TV woke me up. Likewise, if you use too many conjunctions or use them incorrectly (for example, without the comma),...