针对你提到的错误信息“could not get package user id: run-as: package not debuggable”,我将为你提供详细的解答和解决方案。 1. 错误信息含义 该错误信息表明你尝试使用run-as命令来访问一个应用的用户ID,但失败了,原因是目标应用没有被标记为可调试(debuggable)。run-as命令通常用于以特定应用的身份执行...
panic("Package '%s' is not an application\n", pkgname); return1; } /* 如果设置了android:debuggable="false",则退出 */ if(!info.isDebuggable) { panic("Package '%s' is not debuggable\n", pkgname); return1; } /* 检查/data/data/com.packagename目录是否可用 */ if(check_data_path(...
/* 如果设置了android:debuggable="false",则退出 */ if (!info.isDebuggable) { panic("Package '%s' is not debuggable\n", pkgname); return 1; } /* 检查/data/data/com.packagename目录是否可用 */ if (check_data_path(info.dataDir, info.uid) < 0) { panic("Package '%s' has corrupt...
panic("Package '%s' is not debuggable\n", pkgname); return 1; } /* 检查/data/data/com.packagename目录是否可用 */ if (check_data_path(info.dataDir, info.uid) < 0) { panic("Package '%s' has corrupt installation\n", pkgname); return 1; } /* 切换当前工作目录为/data/data/com.p...
Found package name: com.marco83.siege ABIs targetted by application: armeabi Device API Level: 8 Device CPU ABIs: armeabi-v7a armeabi Compatible device ABI: armeabi Found debuggable flag: true Found device gdbserver: /data/data/com.marco83.siege/lib/gdbserver ...
run-as package-name 1. 2. Android7.1.2(Nexus5手机已Root) Android10(Redmi 9A手机未Root) ls -al 3.条件 应用需为debug模式,即AndroidManifest.xml文件中,android:debugable需要为true android:debuggable="true" 1. 如果签名了,并且指定设置了android:debuggable="false",将无法使用该命令 ...
To reproduce the issue install a debuggable application then try to run the followingadbcommand. adb shell run-as com.xamarin.android.helloworld pwd This should return an error like run-as: setegid(AID_PACKAGE_INFO) failed: Operation not permitted ...
run-as com.my.app.package Where com.my.app.package is replaced with the package name of your app. Note that the app has to be marked "debuggable" in the manifest for this to be allowed. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37413667/run-as-could-not-set-capabilities-operation-not-permitte...
:android-gradle-plugin-source:compileDebugRender :android-gradle-plugin-source:checkDebugManifest :android-gradle-plugin-source:generateDebugBuildConfig :android-gradle-plugin-source:prepareLintJarUP-TO-DATE :android-gradle-plugin-source:generateDebugResValues ...