Steam Deck runs on SteamOS, an Arch-based Linux distro with built-in Proton support. You can run almost any Windows game on the Deck using Proton. What Is Steam Proton? Steam Proton is the compatibility layer that allows SteamOS to run Windows games on the Deck. It enables users to insta...
New Game Porting Toolkit works similarly to the software Valve uses to run Windows games on its Steam Deck At WWDC 2023, Apple unveiledmacOS Sonomaalong with other gaming-related updates, such as the newGame mode, Metal 3, Game Center, and agrowing library of games. As part of the gaming ...
On July 15, Valve announced its own Steam Deck handheld console. The device runs a special version of SteamOS 3.0, which is essentially an adaptation of Linux. Best of all, the Steam Deck is a truly portable PC, where you can install Windows and play the latest AAA games on a 7-inch...
Hi guys, I don't know if anyone can give me some hints on this issue since I know vkd3d was mainly design for Linux. I get a game from my friend project, I tried to setup vkd3d for the game try let it run on vulkan layer on Steamdeck. Bu...
windows,前面的帖子我删了,我再重新修改一下大部分游戏装个c++ runtime就解决了,我这就装c++了,其他的依赖照这个流程做就行了1.搜索vcredist,把x86和x64的两种都下载下来(第一步就有人卡,醉了,用电脑下载好传到deck也好,或者直接deck浏览器下载好也行)2.将这两个软件添加至steam库并安装(添加入库也不会?
點擊Title Upload(遊戲上傳)分頁,以進行將遊戲從開發用電腦上傳至 Steam Deck 開發套件所需的設定。 輸入完成後,畫面應看起來像:這張螢幕擷圖為將測試遊戲的 Windows 組建版本上傳至開發套件的範例。 Local Folder(本機資料夾) - 包含遊戲運作所需的所有檔案的基礎目錄 Exclude patterns(排除法) - 上傳處理序會...
Steamdeck运行DCSWORLD视频教程 如何在SteamDeck上玩DCSWORLD教程2.0需要下载的三个软件:Q4WineFlatsealProtontricks 需要分别在两个地方输入的三条指令:第一条:在游戏属性启动项那里输入WINEDLLOVERRIDES='wbemprox=n' %command% 第二条:在系统控制台运行echo "alias protontricks='flatpak run com.github.Matoking....
No. Windows is still the King when it comes down to PC gaming, and while many are pushing to bring Linux on parity, it will take many years for that to happen. Right now if you want to play video games on a Linux operating system, your best bet is to purchase a Steam Deck. ...
steam deck..玩其他游戏包括系统都有声音,但就爱上火车没有。强制使用steam play兼容也试过了,没有作用。没找到别人有这个问题,救一下求求了。游戏已经过退款时间了,不想浪费钱。
steamdeck系统缺少C++ Microsoft Visual组件进不了游戏怎么解决?认真看完这个视频,所有游戏都可这样操作!想进游戏学习版资源群请私信我 秋老师游戏屋 53030 00:36 360安全卫士今天导致大量用户出现Microsoft Visual C++Runtime Library故障 趁你的电脑还能开机赶紧卸载360 ...