In this blog post, we’ll be talking about how to create and run a Vue.js project. We’ll be talking about how to use Vue as an external library; and then we’ll take a look at the Vue CLI and Vite, two of the most used compilers for Vue applications. Finally, we’ll talk ...
今天试着学习了一下Vue.js,下载了一个项目打包,一直在building不动。 D:\vems\vems-front>npm run build> my-project@0.1.0build D:\vems\vems-front> vue-cli-service build- Buildingforproduction... 后面执行了这条命令:npm config set registry http://registry.cnpmjs.com就可以了...
使用指令vue init webpack <my-project> 输入命令后,会询问我们几个简单的选项,我们根据自己的需要进行填写就可以了 Project name: 项目名称 ,如果不需要更改直接回车就可以了。注意:这里不能使用大写 Project description: 项目描述,默认为A Vue.js project ...
When trying to create a new Vue 3 project usingnpm init vue@latestwith the defaults selected, I get aCannot read property 'split' of undefinederror when trying to run the project. See output below: $npm init vue@latest npx: installed 1 in 1.371s Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framew...
主要包括项目路径、vue-router的history模式服务器配置、图片路径错误等 问题一: 项目不在根目录下时,vue-router中该如何书写路径描述本地apache服务器的根目录在htdocs文件夹下,而我的项目在其projects/vue-project1/子文件夹中,因此我在项目的src/router/index.js中各个子页面的路径都以/projects/vue-project1/...
VUE启动报错 - npm run dev 报错:missing script:dev 今天在运行Vue项目时,在运行npm run dev时报错如下图: 打开package.js文件夹,发现文件夹里的scripts有dev如下图: 情况一: 可就是好不到,什么原因呢?最后一看路径不对,vue init webpack my-project时,自己又建立一个文件夹,取不到对应的package.js中的...
Learn how to run Vue js sites on Netlify. Netlify continues to deploy hundreds of thousands of Vue projects including the main site. Get templates and more, check it out!
npm ERR! my-first-vue-project@1.0.0 dev: `node build/dev-server.js` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the my-first-vue-project@1.0.0 dev script 'node build/dev-server.js'. npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. npm ERR...
vue create sample vue add vuetify >Default npm run serve #ここでエラー package.json ~中略~"dependencies":{"core-js":"^2.6.5","register-service-worker":"^1.6.2","vue":"^2.6.10","vue-router":"^3.0.3","vuetify":"^2.1.0","vuex":"^3.0.1"},"devDependencies":{"@vue/cli-plug...
使用vue项目在npm run build的时候报错,上网搜了一圈,发现了这个教程,分享给大家。 错误信息如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Error:Rule can only have one resourcesource(provided resourceand test+include+exclude)in{}... 这是直接采用最暴力的方法,这是一个webpack兼容性的问题: 代码...