运行程序的权限设置为了只有管理员才能打开。确保安全性。run as 本身是一个dos小工具,给你在目前登陆者的情况下,使用其他登陆者去执行一些程式run as本身不执行什_东西...那是系统自带的指令真正执行的程式不是这个。
具体的意思应该是 选择以管理员身份运行 电脑使用权限你具体翻控制面板 中文是应该是用户管理吧
Hi After updating Win11 to 22H2 I can't run any longer apps as an administrator this option simply does not work any longer. Also, I can't install e.g...
5. check the box "run as administrator" 6. In this case new excel opening by short cut is opens by "run as administrator". If you save the excel file and open it again , it is not opening in run as administrator . this Troubling in windows 11. ...
Related:Enable the (Hidden) Administrator Account on Windows 7, 8, 10, or 11 When Should I Run Apps as an Administrator? If an app isn't working as you would expect it to, you might want to run it as an administrator and see if that clears up the problem. This is particularly the...
用的是免安装版 运行The SIM 4 launcher时 总是弹出【Run the game as administrator if it is the...
可以用cmd命令输入 runas /user:administrator 程序位置。再输入管理员密码就可以了。
administrator管理者; 有管理才能的人; 遗产管理人; 地产管理人。user用户,使用者; 吸毒成瘾者。root根,根源; 原因,本质; 祖先; 和弦基音; 使生根; 使固定; 根源在于; 欢呼,喝彩; 生根; 根除。use使用; 使用权; 功能; 运用; 消耗; 服用。See看见; 查看; 领会,理解。details详细资料; 详述...
右键单击选择run as administrator,因为尽管你登陆的是admin账户,但是为了保护安全windows7版本及以后默认仍然赋予的是普通用户权限,需要手动选择以管理员模式运行。
Running a program as an administrator is a common task in Windows. You need to have admin rights when you install programs, edit certainfiles, etc. You can easily do this with the "run as" feature. To run a task as an administrator is, clearly, only useful if you're not already an...