1. 更改文件编码类型 在vscode左下角有一个选择编码的按钮,默认是utf-8编码,点击之后再点击通过编码重新打开,一般情况下第一个选项后面会有’通过文件内容猜测’,如果没有,可以搜索GBK,将编码设置为GBK(汉字编码),注意:这个时候如果再更改回utf-8,所有的中文在编辑器中显示都会是乱码,但是编译还是没有问题的。还...
再比如java: "java":"cd $dir && javac $fileName && java $fileNameWithoutExt" 1. 因为没有还带着绝对路径的、没有后缀的文件名变量,就得先进入相应的文件夹cd $dir,再编译javac $fileName,运行java $fileNameWithoutExt。&&表示并且,连接多个bash命令在一行。 四、c++和python配置的例子 c_cpp_propert...
There might be an easier way to leverage another package, but I think I would just move it into a JavaScript or TypeScript script. Change your script to: tsc --noEmit && node --loader tsx runTests.ts Then create a file named runTests.ts. I don't have the time to experiment with...
add user_react to react.js file Aug 30, 2024 rollup.config.js add react-safe apprun-play Dec 28, 2022 tsconfig.jest.json catch up v2.23.8 Apr 1, 2020 tsconfig.json use jsxFactory of TypeScript 4 Nov 10, 2020 tslint.json disable tslint rule no-shadowed-variables ...
Build associated with this test run. TypeScript 复制 build: ShallowReference Property Value ShallowReference buildConfiguration Build configuration details associated with this test run. TypeScript 复制 buildConfiguration: BuildConfiguration Property Value BuildConfiguration ...
save code & automatic run command script VSCode Tasks API Lots of tools exist to automate tasks like linting, building, packaging, testing, or deploying software systems. Examples include the TypeScript Compiler, linters like ESLint and TSLint as well as build systems like Make, Ant, Gulp, Ja...
Request type "X" is not supported. Only "launch" and "attach" are supported. You can find the full list of issues at thevscode-java-debugrepository. You can submit abug or feature suggestionand participate in the community drivenvscode-java-debug Gitter channel. ...
The extension createsDockerfileand.dockerignorefiles. If you elected to include Docker Compose files,docker-compose.ymlanddocker-compose.debug.ymlwill be generated as well. Finally, the extension will create a set ofVS Code tasksin.vscode/tasks.jsonfor building and running the container (in both ...
我正在尝试安装在普通typescript axios的超文本传输协议的请求,我使用webpack作为捆绑器,但当我尝试运行我的webpack我得到错误 [webpack-cli] Failed toOneDrive\Desktop\Web Dev Stuff\Weather-API\node_modules\webpack-cli\lib\webpack-cli.js:1639:44) 这也是我的webpack.config.json}, filename: 'a ...
遇到这样的报错 需要进行 删除一下node_modules 然后打开vscode编辑器,打开终端,进入到项目目录底下,安装依赖 代码语言:javascript 复制 cnpm install 依赖安装完成之后 再次启动就行了 再次启动 代码语言:javascript 复制 npm run dev 会发现正常运行了