: a migration of fish (as up or down a river) especially to spawn also : such fish in the process of migration d : a running race a mile run e : a score made in baseball by a runner reaching home plate safely f : strength or ability to run g : a gain of a usual...
六、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (10分)1. We are talking about the _running (run) race.2. My father wants _to meet_(meet) his old friends on Sunday morning.3. My brother _ caught (catch) a very big fish in the river yesterday.4. Is someone _smoking_(smoke) in the restaurant?5....
Just like a real-life coach, the ASICS Runkeeper app will help you set your goals, train for them, and track your progress along the way.
马拉松赛道沿途风景优美、景色宜人。跑者们将沿着木兰溪畔奔跑,欣赏到两岸的青山绿水、田园风光和城市美景。这种独特的赛道设计不仅让跑者们享受到了运动的乐趣,还让他们感受到了莆田的自然之美和人文之韵。 赛事服务:贴心周到,保障无忧(Excellent Race Services: Thoughtful and Considerate, Ensuring a Hassle-free Ex...
Police believe the gunmenranoff into the woods... 警方认为持枪的歹徒逃到树林里去了。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...when I wasrunningin the New York Marathon... 当我参加纽约的马拉松比赛时 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Phyllis Smithrana controlled race to qualify in 51.32 sec. ...
most scenic race showcases an array of scenery including Millbrook, Arrowtown, Arrow River, Lake Hayes, Old Shotover Bridge, Twin Rivers trail, Lake Wakatipu and Queenstown Gardens. Meanwhile theQueenstown Marathon’s largely flat course means it’s as easy on the eyes as it is on the knees...
Police believe the gunmen ran off into the woods... 警方认为持枪的歹徒逃到树林里去了。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...when I was running in the New York Marathon... 当我参加纽约的马拉松比赛时 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Phyllis Smith ran a controlled race to qualify in 51.32 sec. 菲莉丝·史密斯控制好速度...
2025 race day is scheduled for Sunday, April 27th! We’ve got races for every level of awesomeness, from the 5K sprinters to the 50K trail blazers. Whether you’re a fitness fanatic or just looking for an excuse to escape your couch, we’ve got you covered. So #CHOOSEYOURTRAIL5K,10K...