Actual Behavior No script is running. Specifications Chromium: 130.0.6723.92 TM: 5.3.1 OS: Windows 10.0.19045 I see when selecting "Normal tabs", a pop up is shown to warn "Tampermonkey won't inject into other tab types anymore!". Is there any technical limitation that we cannot have s...
A yellow banner is displayed under the extension context menu: Limited runtime host permissions might break some Tampermonkey features like script update, GM_xmlhttpRequest and others!Toggling on / off developer mode has no effect. Including restarting TM via ...
On chrome 73 Canary/Dev on both Linux and windows using the latest dev version of Tampermonkey im getting this yellow banner at the top of the tampermonkey settings: "Limited runtime host permissions might break some Tampermonkey features like script update, GM_xmlhttpRequest and others!" Initial...
For ease of use, I suggest using TamperMonkey. However, if you prefer open-source software, ViolentMonkey is a good alternative. Many scripts generate an HTML sheet that almost necessitates the use of an autocloser userscript. There are several varieties, some tailored for a specific tool, but...
@nyuszika7h I'm using TamperMonkey and getting this error. Is there a workaround? VM2847:22 Refused to load the script '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://ap...