Install the Deno runtime on your system using one of the commands below. Note that there are a number of ways to install Deno - a comprehensive list of installation options can be found here. Shell (Mac, Linux): curl -fsSL | sh PowerShell (Windows): irm...
system os : Windows 10 Fall Creators Update compiler & ide : Visual Studio 2017 Community When I run the command vcpkg.exe install sqlite3 It return a error like this: PS D:\vcpkg\vcpkg> .\vcpkg.exe install sqlite3 The following packages will be built and installed: ...
Cannot add sqlite3.dll as a reference Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'method group' Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable Cannot await 'Void' Cannot cast DBNull.Value to System.Decimal error in LINQ Cannot chang...
请访问SQLite 下载页面,从 Windows 区下载预编译的二进制文件。 您需要下载sqlite-tools-win32-*.zip和sqlite-dll-win32-*.zip压缩文件。 创建文件夹 C:\sqlite,并在此文件夹下解压上面两个压缩文件,将得到 sqlite3.def、sqlite3.dll 和 sqlite3.exe 文件。 添加C:\sqlite 到 PATH 环境变量,最后在命令提示...
在Visual Studio 中,Blazor Web 应用模板为 SQL Server 数据库搭建 Identity 代码基架。 命令行版本默认使用 SQLite,并包含 Identity 的 SQLite 数据库。 该模板处理以下内容: 添加Identity 相关的包和依赖项 引用_Imports.razor 中的 Identity 包 创建名为“ApplicationUser”的自定义 Identity 类 ...
Discuz论坛后台管理员登录后会自动退出登录 网站提示:You Don’t Have Permission To Access Windows下如何创建.开头的文件夹 Apache和Nginx设置伪静态(URL Rewrite)的方法 Nginx下载.IPA或.APK文件的处理方法 htaccess文件规则301和http跳转https设置 phpweb 发布文章或英文出现乱码的解决方案 php遇到Allowed memory size...
Sqlite Android.DeviceLock Android.Drm Android.Gestures Android.Graphics Android.Graphics.Drawables Android.Graphics.Drawables.Shapes Android.Graphics.Fonts Android.Graphics.Pdf Android.Graphics.Text Android.Hardware Android.Hardware.Biometrics Android.Hardware.Camera2 Android.Hardware.Camera2.Params Android....
3年前 tables apr_table: Use APR_TABLE_POOL_DEBUG rather than general APR_POOL_DEBUG 7个月前 test Follow-up to r1920854: Compile test_proc_args_winbatch() only on Windows. 4个月前 threadproc apr_proc_create(): Check that progname argument is quoted correctly if ...
org.tukaani xz 1.0 org.typelevel machinist_2.10 0.6.1 org.typelevel macro-compat_2.10 1.1.1 org.xerial sqlite-jdbc org.xerial.snappy snappy-java org.yaml snakeyaml 1.16 oro oro 2.0.8 ion-java 1.0.2 stax stax-api 1.0.1 xmlenc xmlenc 0.52预...
Scenario 3 - Run with cli: # The commands use the shell script on MacOS and Linux, or visit the Releases page to download the executable for Windows. curl -sS | sh # The commands will start autok3s daemon and popup default browser ...