Bash Copy sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set sqlagent.enabled true Restart SQL Server with the following command: Bash Copy sudo systemctl restart mssql-server Note Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x) CU 4, SQL Server Agent is included with the mssql-server package and is disabl...
Använd sudo-programmet för att logga in som nxautomation-konto . Bash Kopiera sudo su - nxautomation När du använder nxautomation genererar du GPG-keypair som rot. GPG vägleder dig genom stegen. Du måste ange namn, e-postadress, förfallotid och lösenfras. Sedan ...
Clone the above repository and run the script, you'll need to do this only once or whenever the noredist jar dependencies are updated in the above repository. Build using: $ mvn clean install -Dnoredist -P developer,systemvm ...
CMD is a shell script that defines what the task does. It's run in a new bash process, as in: $ bash -c "$CMD" In simple cases, the command can be a single line: [[task]] id = "clean" type = "short" cmd = "go clean -testcache && go clean -modcache" For more comple...
For example, when it is required to schedule a backup of MySQL database or to automate execution of some SQL queries with a Bash script. In this article i will show the most useful, from my point of view, options of the MySQL command-line client and show how to run multiple SQL queri...
The pathshould notbe wrapped in quotes! From the Shell/Command Line You can also execute an SQL file without logging into MySQL from the Linux shell – this is especially useful if you wish to make your command part of a Bash/Shell script: ...
若要还原以前的行为,请将 spark.sql.legacy.negativeIndexInArrayInsert 设置为 true。 在使用自动加载程序进行 CSV 架构推理期间启用 ignoreCorruptFiles 时,Azure Databricks 不再忽略损坏的文件。 [SPARK-45227] 修复了 CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend 的微小线程安全问题。 [SPARK-44658]ShuffleStatus.getMapStatus ...
step 3: run bash script # step-1: configure mysql_port='3306'mysql_cnf="~/docker/mysqld_${mysql_port}/my.cnf"mysql_data_dir="~/docker/mysqld_${mysql_port}/data"# step-2: restart mysql server docker run-it --rm-v ~:/root"chmod g+r ${mysql...
install the modules required by the script. To run the test script, change location into themysql-testdirectory, set theMTR_VS_CONFIGenvironment variable to the configuration you selected earlier (or use the--vs-configoption), and For example (usingCygwinand thebash...
for num_classes in ${num_classes_list}; do data_path=${gen_data_root}/classification/r${num_rows}_c${num_cols}_float32_ncls${num_classes}.parquet if [[ ! -d ${data_path} ]]; then python $gen_data_script classification \ --n_informative $( expr $num_cols / 3 ) \ ...