Simple command for running shell commands in a docker container started by docker compose. Install Run gem install dce. If you only want to install it for your own user, use the --user-install flag. Usage Usage: dce [OPTIONS]... COMMAND Runs COMMAND in docker compose container. On first...
If you wish to reuse a npm script defined in your package.json: { "*.js": "npm run my-custom-script --" } The following is equivalent: { "*.js": "linter --arg1 --arg2" }Use environment variables with task commandsClick to expand Task commands do not support the shell conventio...
8.0-alpine AS developmentCOPY. /sourceWORKDIR/source/srcCMDdotnet run AS finalWORKDIR/appCOPY--from=build /app .ARGUID=10001RUNadduser\--disabled-password\--gecos""\--home"/nonexistent"\--shell"/sbin/nologin"\--no-create-...
build-job: stage: build script: - echo "Hello, $GITLAB_USER_LOGIN!" test-job1: stage: test script: - echo "This job tests something" test-job2: stage: test script: - echo "This job tests something, but takes more time than test-job1." - echo "After the echo commands complete,...
Can I run Git commands if my remote repo is in GitHub or another Git service such as Bitbucket Cloud? Yes Which tasks can I use to run Git commands? Batch Script Command Line PowerShell Shell Script How do I avoid triggering a CI build when the script pushes?
适用于 Azure SDK for Java Preview在GitHub 上与我们协作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉取请求。 有关详细信息,请参阅参与者指南。 Azure SDK for Java 反馈 Azure SDK for Java 是一个开放源代码项目。 选择一个链接以提供反馈: 提出文档问题 提供产品反馈 ...
Test Run Controller. TypeScript 複製 controller: string Property Value string createdDate Test Run CreatedDate. TypeScript 複製 createdDate: Date Property Value Date customFields List of Custom Fields for TestRun. TypeScript 複製 customFields: CustomTestField[] Property Value CustomTestField[] ...
configuration by replacing the wp-config.php and replace it with wp-config.php.Azure This runbook uses an external powershellscript located at runs it inside all of the VMs of the group this script is ...
About GitHub Actions Write workflows Manage workflows and deployments Share automations Monitor & troubleshoot Monitor About monitoring Notifications for workflow runs Visualization graph Workflow run history View job execution time Add a status badge Workflow run logs...
GitLab Shell version >= 8.3.3 ? ... OK (8.3.3) Repo base directory exists? default... yes Repo storage directories are symlinks? default... no Repo paths owned by git:root, or git:git? default... yes Repo paths access is drwxrws---? default... yes hooks directories in repos ...