1.首先,按Win+S并在搜索框中键入regedit,按Enter,打开注册表编辑器。2.打开此注册表项:Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths。3.右键单击App Paths并选择新建>项命令。4.为注册表项的标题输入程序EXE文件的确切名称及其扩展名。对于我们的示例,你需要输入WinaeroTweaker...
In Windows 11, .reg files are very useful for tweaking system settings or fixing certain problems. But to make these changes take effect, you often need to run these files as an admin. This guide will show you how to do just that, along with some tips and warnings that you should be ...
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exefor PowerShell C:\Windows\regedit.exefor Registry Editor For “Start in,” put the folder path where the app is. UseC:\Windows\System32for Command Prompt or PowerShell, andC:\Windowsfor Registry Editor. Choose “SYSTEM User” in the...
1、按“win+R”键打开运行,在运行输入框中输入“regedit”。2、点击确定,进去注册表之后,找到“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run”3、点击“Run”之后,在右侧中找到“runtime”的错误信息,然后将它删除就完成了,不会对电脑系统有影响 4、我们可以按“Ctrl+F”键,...
1:第一步键盘上同时按“win+R”键打开运行,在运行输入框中输入“regedit”,如下图所示。点击确定 2:进去注册表之后,找到 “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run” 3:点击“Run”之后,在右侧中找到“runtime”的错误信息,然后将它删除就完成了,不会对电脑系统有影响 4:也可以按“Ct...
1 针对电脑出现提示runtime error如何解决的问题,首先打开电脑左下角开始菜单,然后找到【运行】选项,点击打开。2 在弹出的运行对话框里输入【regedit】命令,点击确定打开注册表编辑器。3 打开注册表依次定位到【HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run】项下。4 然后在右侧的列表中找到【...
1. PressWin + Rto open the Run window, enter “regedit” and hitOK. Tips:If you are in the progress of installing and encounter the “This PC can’t run Windows 11” error, you can pressShift + F10to call up Command Prompt, and run “regedit” to open the registry. ...
当您的Windows 11电脑出现RunDLL错误提示时,可以尝试以下解决方法: 扫描并修复系统文件:运行命令提示符(管理员权限)并输入命令 “sfc /scannow”,按回车键执行。此操作将扫描并自动修复系统文件中的错误。 清理无效的注册表项:使用注册表编辑器(regedit)删除可能引起错误的无效注册表项。在打开的注册表编辑器中,导航...
1. Most Commonly Used Windows 11 Run commands We have shown few commonly used Run commands in the table below. RUN COMMANDS ACTIONS cmd Opens the Command prompt control Access Windows 11 Control Panel regedit Opens the Registry Editor msconfig Opens the System Information window services.msc Opens...
Step 1:Press theWindows key + Rto open the Run dialog box. Typeregeditin the box and pressEnter. Step 2:Paste the following path in the address bar at the top and pressEnter. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.exe Step 3:Double-click theDefaultentry in the right pane and typeexefilein the value dat...