需要在setting那里勾选这个 勾了之后就可以用Ctrl + Alt + N然后还Run in Terminal了。但是在使用快捷键运行之前需要按Ctrl+S进行保存,毕竟本质上是python -u 文件.py
打开VSCode,点击菜单栏中的“文件” -> “首选项” -> “键盘快捷方式”。 在搜索框中输入“run python file”。 找到“Run Python File In Terminal”选项,点击右侧的加号来添加自定义快捷键。 按下自定义组合键,例如“Ctrl + Shift + R”。 点击“键绑定”按钮保存设置。 现在,我们已经成功设置了快捷键来...
image.png 勾了之后就可以用Ctrl + Alt + N然后还Run in Terminal了。 image.png 但是在使用快捷键运行之前需要按Ctrl+S进行保存,毕竟本质上是python -u 文件.py
Issue Type: Bug "Run Python File in Terminal" will usually disappear from the right click menu for a bit and will magically appear after some time. https://imgur.com/a/h4SEX3S VS Code version: Code 1.30.1 (dea8705, 2018-12-18T18:12:07.16...
I am currently developing python commandline interface using python cmd2 module. It seems like the console feature in pycharm is not tty...
When executing "Run Selection/Line in Python Terminal" command in VSCode, terminal's current working directory is the workspace root directory. How can we set current directory of terminal to the current file's directory when running the selection/line?
The code runs in the terminal Steps to reproduce: Copy the following in a python file: print(32)foriinrange(4):print(i) Select and run via shift+enter Logs Output forPythonin theOutputpanel (View→Output, change the drop-down the upper-right of theOutputpanel toPython) ...
When I run a py-file using Emulate terminal in output console, I always enter a terminal in insert mode. This doesn't happen if I run under Python Console. I've tried to use the keymap shortcut to toggle on/off the insert mode, I've also tried different shortcuts (optio...
切换后,安装第三方库报错: Try to run this command from the system terminal. Make sure that you use the correct version of 'pip' installed for your Python interpreter located at 'C:\Users\zhuangjie\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe'.、 ...
在PyCharm 中安装第三方库时,有时会遇到“Try to run this command from the system terminal.”的错误。这个错误通常意味着 PyCharm 无法在内置终端中执行安装命令。为了解决这个问题,您可以尝试以下步骤: 确保PyCharm 使用正确的 Python 解释器:打开PyCharm,进入“File”菜单,选择“Settings”(或“Preferences”)。