由于此流程不会搜索当前目录,因此不能使用它来运行 Windows PowerShell 脚本。 若要在 Windows PowerShell 提示符下运行 Windows PowerShell 脚本,可使用以下方法: 输入脚本的完整路径,例如 C:\Scripts\MyScript.ps1。 输入脚本的相对路径,例如 \Scripts\MyScript.ps1。 引用当前目录,例如 \MyScri...
此Cmdlet 會建立新的 執行 PowerShell 腳本 步驟物件。 然後使用 Add-CMTaskSequenceStep Cmdlet 將步驟新增至工作順序。 如需此步驟的詳細資訊,請 參閱關於工作順序步驟:執行 PowerShell 腳本。 注意事項 從 Configuration Manager 月臺磁碟驅動器執行 Configuration M
PowerShellpowerShell = PowerShell.Create(); powerShell.Add("Set-ExecutionPolicy-Scope Process unrestricted"); powerShell.Add("$InvokedFromUIF= $true"); powerShell.Add("$FailureText= \"UIF\""); powerShell.Add("$Path= \"" + Path.GetDirectoryName(Path) + "\""); powerShell.Add("$LogD...
AD DACL: Set-ACL Fails with This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object AD Module for Windows PowerShell - Insufficient Access Rights to perform the operation AD Powershell command for deleted users AD Powershell script to generate last log in details for a specific us...
powerShell.AddScript("Set-ExecutionPolicy-Scope Process unrestricted"); powerShell.AddScript("$InvokedFromUIF= $true"); powerShell.AddScript("$FailureText= \"UIF\""); powerShell.AddScript("$ScriptPath= \"" + Path.GetDirectoryName(scriptPath) + "\""); ...
Open a command prompt with administrative privileges. Run the following command to create a new service: nssm install <ServiceName>"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe""-NoLogo -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\path\to\script.ps1" ...
string script = File.ReadAllText(scriptPath); powerShell.AddScript(script); powerShell.Invoke(); if (powerShell.HadErrors) { foreach (ErrorRecord current in powerShell.Streams.Error) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + current); Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + current.Exception); ...
How do I run a PowerShell script? I have a script named myscript.ps1 I have all the necessary frameworks installed I set that execution policy thing I have followed the instructions on this MSDN help page and am trying to run it like so: powershell.exe 'C:\my_path\yada_yada\run_...
First script3 needs to be called then script2. I have tried powershel.exe like follows C:..\powershell.exe -FilePath script3.ps1 $a,$b,$c I have included bypass ,execution policy.$a $b $c are local variables.But what seems to happen is the command line opens(as it is the ...
If PowerShell triggered an execution policy error, try this: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process And then run the script again. As for why your first action is not working, it is a Windows 7 bug. Microsoft implemented erroneous file association data in Registry. To fix ...