Execute shell commands on target hosts. -name:Run basic PowerShell|echo "Hello World"-name:Run PowerShell script with|[CmdletBinding()]param ([String]$Path,[Switch]$Force)New-It...
at Ansible.Become.BecomeUtil.CreateProcessAsUser(String username, String password, LogonFlags logonFlags, LogonType logonType, String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, String lpCurrentDirectory, IDictionary environment, Byte[] stdin) in c:\Users\ansible\AppData\Local\Temp\qcsb3ejc.1.cs:li...
"ansible_powershell_version":5,"ansible_processor":["GenuineIntel","Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz","GenuineIntel","Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz"],"ansible_domain":"","ansible_uptime_seconds":77362,"ansible_architecture":"64-bit","ansible_win_rm_certific...
it contains htree dependencies, which allow us to usereact,react-dom, andreact-scriptsin our JavaScript. In the screenshot above, the react version specified is ^16.13.1. This means that npm will install the most recent major version matching 16.x.x. We may also see something ...
Note that we have another way though not used here - we can runnpm run-script buildto create./build/and then just copy the ./build/ folder to container as done inDocker : Run a React app in a minikube. Using the production Dockerfile, build and tag the Docker image: ...
PowerShellYesYeslanguage-powershellpowershell ProcessingYesprocessing-languageprocessing-java PrologYeslanguage-prologswiplScripts must contain a rule with the headmain(e.g.main:- parent(X,lucas),writeln(X).). The script is executed with the goalmainand exits after the first result is found. The...
Updated Nov 20, 2024 TypeScript tuconnaisyouknow / BadUSB_windowsPassDisabler Star 62 Code Issues Pull requests This script allows you to disable Windows password in only 4 seconds. windows arduino hid rubber-ducky powershell password pass run duckyscript usb-hid badusb rubberducky disable maldu...
To install SGPT with Ansible, you can use the following ansible playbook as your base and adapt accordingly: --- - hosts: all tasks: - name: Get latest sgpt release uri: url: "" return_content: yes register: sgpt_release - name:...
1C (BSL)Yeslanguage-1c-bsloscript AnsibleYeslanguage-ansibleansible-playbook AutoHotKeyYesYeslanguage-autohotkeyAutoHotKey.exe AppleScriptYesYeslanguage-applescriptosascript BabelES6JSYesYeslanguage-babelnode BashYesYesRuns if yourSHELLor#!line isbash. ...
Install-Module PowerShell-Yaml -Scope CurrentUser Install-Module ScoopPlaybook -Scope CurrentUser git clone cd ScoopPlaybook/samples Scoop-Playbook This sample will install busybox, 7zip and gitkraken for you. Step by step Start Create ansible like ...