Execute shell commands on target hosts. -name:Run basic PowerShell|echo "Hello World"-name:Run PowerShell script with|[CmdletBinding()]param ([String]$Path,[Switch]$Force)New-It...
Updated Nov 20, 2024 TypeScript tuconnaisyouknow / BadUSB_windowsPassDisabler Star 62 Code Issues Pull requests This script allows you to disable Windows password in only 4 seconds. windows arduino hid rubber-ducky powershell password pass run duckyscript usb-hid badusb rubberducky disable maldu...
at Ansible.Become.BecomeUtil.CreateProcessAsUser(String username, String password, LogonFlags logonFlags, LogonType logonType, String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, String lpCurrentDirectory, IDictionary environment, Byte[] stdin) in c:\Users\ansible\AppData\Local\Temp\qcsb3ejc.1.cs:li...
使用AWS-RunPowerShellScript 文件來傳送命令 以下命令顯示 "C:\Users" 目錄的內容,以及在兩個受管節點上 "C:\" 的內容。 $runPSCommand = Send-SSMCommand ` -InstanceIds @("instance-ID-1", "instance-ID-2") ` -DocumentName "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" ` -Comment "Demo AWS-RunPowerShellScript ...
Verwendung der Tools for Windows PowerShell Fehlerbehebung Run Command Session Manager Einrichten von Session Manager Schritt 1: Abschließen Session Manager Voraussetzungen Schritt 2: Überprüfen oder Hinzufügen von Instanzberechtigungen für Session Manager Session Manager-Berechtigungen für ein...
Azure PowerShell 将以下代码另存为delete_rg.yml。 yml --- hosts:localhosttasks:- name:Deletingresourcegroup-"{{ name }}"azure_rm_resourcegroup:name:"{{ name }}"state:absentregister:rg- debug:var:rg 使用ansible-playbook命令运行 playbook。 将占位符替换为要删除的资源组的名称。 将删除资源组内...
Note that we have another way though not used here - we can runnpm run-script buildto create./build/and then just copy the ./build/ folder to container as done inDocker : Run a React app in a minikube. Using the production Dockerfile, build and tag the Docker image: ...
ansible-playbook create_rg.yml --extra-vars "name=<resource_group_name> location=<resource_group_location>" 要点: 由于playbook 的 register 变量和 debug 部分,因此在命令完成时,将显示结果。删除Azure 资源组Ansible Azure CLI Azure PowerShell 将以下代码另存为 delete_rg.yml。 yml 复制 --- -...
$npm run-script build> react-minikube@0.1.0 build /Users/kihyuckhong/React-Minikube/react-minikube > react-scripts build Creating an optimized production build... Compiled successfully. File sizes after gzip: 39.39 KB build/static/js/2.91e125fa.chunk.js ...
PowerShellYesYeslanguage-powershellpowershell ProcessingYesprocessing-languageprocessing-java PrologYeslanguage-prologswiplScripts must contain a rule with the headmain(e.g.main:- parent(X,lucas),writeln(X).). The script is executed with the goalmainand exits after the first result is found. The...