1.搜索查看Portainer镜像有哪些 docker search portainer 查询的结果如下图: 2.拉取第一个镜像 docker pull portainer/portainer 1. 3.启动容器 docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name prtainer portainer/portainer 1. 4.在浏览器输入localhost...
首先,我们需要编辑 /etc/docker/daemon.json 文件: sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json 1. 然后加入如下内容: { "registry-mirrors": ["https://n6syp70m.mirror.aliyuncs.com"] } 1. 2. 3. 修改之后,需要重启 Docker 服务,让修改生效。使用如下命令: sudo service docker restart 1. 在安装之后,我们可...
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ zzh@ZZHPC:~$ docker exec -it postgres16 /bin/sh/ #createdb --username=root --owner=root simple_bank/#psql simple_bankpsql (16.1) Type"help"forhelp. simple_bank=# \q/#dropdb simple_bank/ # exit zzh@ZZHPC:~$ docker exec -it postgres16 createdb --username=root --ow...
For this tutorial, we are going to run a PostgreSQL container for Docker (from thedatagrip-documentationrepository). In theDockerdirectory of the repository, you can find.envanddocker-compose.ymlfiles..envincludes credentials for the PostgreSQL service.docker-compose.ymldefines how the service is c...
RUN指令的Dockerfile参考 RUN在使用反斜杠分隔的多行上拆分长或复杂语句,以使您Dockerfile更具可读性,可理解性和可维护性。 APT-GET的 可能最常见的用例RUN是应用程序apt-get。因为它安装了包,所以该RUN apt-get命令有几个需要注意的问题。 避免RUN apt-get upgrade和dist-upgrade,因为父图像中的许多“基本”包...
Revised Docker file #pulling jre image FROM docker.io/library/openjdk:17-oracle #setting db environment variable ENV SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL jdbc:postgresql:// ENV SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME pgadmin ENV SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD postgres@dm1n ...
docker-compose run django python manage.py createsuperuser 它不是启动一个新容器,而是打开一个Postgres shell。 但是,当我使用exec时,如下所示: 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker-compose exec django python manage.py createsuperuser 然后它就可以按预期工作了。
npm run docker wait for docker container to finish setting up npm run setup Expected Behavior npm run setup completes successfully Actual Behavior npm run setup fails with the following error Error: P1010: User `postgres` was denied access on the database `postgres.public` Full terminal output...
NOTE: Each worker also has a sidecar container running ssh which handles the rsync of the project directory and optionally a Docker in docker (DIND) running docker for any containerized services that the environment needs to run e.g. postgres, redis etc. Project Sync In order to get the ...
I realize that you are just learning Docker. I would replace redis with postgres since you are using SQLAlchemy and then configure your app to use PostgreSQL instead of SQLite. That would be a good next step for you. This is a good first attempt at learning Docker. You are well on ...