message: "Failed to run optimizer ArithmeticOptimizer, stage RemoveStackStridedSliceSameAxis node adanet/iteration_7/best_eval_metric_ops/strided_slice_9. Error: Pack node (adanet/iteration_7/best_eval_metric_ops/stack_9) axis attribute is out of bounds: 0" pathname: "./tensorflow/core/grappl...
本文内容 语法 参数 要求 语法 C++ 复制 HRESULT RunOptimizer( IDxcBlob *pBlob, LPCWSTR *ppOptions, UINT32 optionCount, IDxcBlob **pOutputModule, IDxcBlobEncoding **ppOutputText ); 参数 pBlob ppOptions optionCount pOutputModule ppOutputText 要求 展开表 要求值 Header dxcapi.h反馈...
HRESULT RunOptimizer( IDxcBlob *pBlob, LPCWSTR *ppOptions, UINT32 optionCount, IDxcBlob **pOutputModule, IDxcBlobEncoding **ppOutputText ); Parameters pBlob ppOptions optionCount pOutputModule ppOutputText Requirements הרחב טבלה RequirementValue Header dxcapi.hמ...
Optimizer Autonomous Optimization Platform for Optimizing Applications to Silicon and Everything in Between As a key component of the Synopsys integrated Silicon Lifecycle Management (SLM) family, the Optimizer Runtime and Optimizer Studio performance optimization software improve compute system performance, ...
As a key component of the Synopsys integrated Silicon Lifecycle Management (SLM) family, the Optimizer Runtime and Optimizer Studio performance optimization software improve compute system performance, automatically and in real-time. The tools enable AI-powered dynamic and static optimization using autonom...
As a key component of the Synopsys integrated Silicon Lifecycle Management (SLM) family, the Optimizer Runtime and Optimizer Studio performance optimization software improve compute system performance, automatically and in real-time. The tools enable AI-powered dynamic and static optimization using autonom...
性能测试的基准运行是在选定的 Hugging Face PyTorch 模型上进行的,第二次运行是只用 ONNX Runtime 训练,最后一次运行是 ONNX Runtime + DeepSpeed ZeRO Stage 1,图中显示了最大的收益。基线 PyTorch 运行所用的优化器是 AdamW Optimizer,ORT 训练用的优化器是 Fused Adam Optimizer。这些运行是在带有 8 个...
Class TableOptimizerRun java.lang.Object All Implemented Interfaces: StructuredPojo,Serializable,Cloneable @Generated(value="com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public classTableOptimizerRunextendsObjectimplementsSerializable,Cloneable,StructuredPojo ...
Optimizer Autonomous Optimization Platform for Optimizing Applications to Silicon and Everything in Between As a key component of the Synopsys integrated Silicon Lifecycle Management (SLM) family, the Optimizer Runtime and Optimizer Studio performance optimization software improve compute system performance, ...
Optimizer Autonomous Optimization Platform for Optimizing Applications to Silicon and Everything in Between As a key component of the Synopsys integrated Silicon Lifecycle Management (SLM) family, the Optimizer Runtime and Optimizer Studio performance optimization software improve compute system performance, ...