Definition: A run-on sentence is punctuating and putting together two or more sentences as if they were one. There are two basic types of run-on sentences: 1. Fused Sentence 2. Comma Splice Fused Sentences Definition: In fused sentences, two or more independent clauses “run together” with...
The meaning of RUN-ON SENTENCE is a sentence containing two or more clauses not connected by the correct conjunction or punctuation.
Runon SentencesKeep running, but be careful where you are goingThe SentenceDefinition: A sentence is a complete thought,
Define Run-on sentences. Run-on sentences synonyms, Run-on sentences pronunciation, Run-on sentences translation, English dictionary definition of Run-on sentences. n. 1. See fused sentence. 2. A very long sentence, especially one lacking order or cohere
run-on sentence noun /ˌrʌn ɒn ˈsentəns/ /ˌrʌn ɑːn ˈsentəns/ two or more sentences or independent clauses joined without a conjunction or the correct punctuation Join us Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford...
Run-onSentences Definition:Arun-onsentenceispunctuatingandputtingtogethertwoormoresentencesasiftheywereone.Therearetwobasictypesofrun-onsentences:1.FusedSentence2.CommaSplice FusedSentences Definition:InfusedExample:Theboyatesentences,twoormorehisdinnerhissisterindependentclausesplayedquietlyinthe“run...
Learn what a run-on sentence is. Identify types of run-on sentences with examples, and discover how understanding independent clauses can fix a run-on sentence. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents What is a Run-on Sentence? Run-on Sentence Examples How to Fix a Run-on Sentence ...
Definition of run-on sentence noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionaryrun-on sentencenoun /ˌrʌn ɒn ˈsentəns/ /ˌrʌn ɑːn ˈsentəns/ two or more sentences or independent clauses joined without a conjunction or the correct punctuation Join us Join our...
Learn the definition of a run-on sentence and explore the different types of run-on sentences. See how to avoid run-on sentences and tips for...