Chapter 3: Avoiding Run On Sentences and Comma Splices As your book tells you, if you put two independent clauses together without proper punctuation, you have made an error called a run-on sentence. Another name for this error is a fused sentence. Chapter Three explains techniques for figuri...
Chapter 21 Run-on sentences and comma splices.(UNIT 6 Plating I: Editing for Grammar)Cadbury, Vivian C
Run-on Sentences Run-on Sentences: Fused Sentences and Comma Splices Run-on sentences occur when independent clauses are not joined properly. There are two types of run-on sentence: the fused sentence and the comma splice. ►Fused sentences occur when there is no punctuation and no ...
These examples are also comma splices. Each example contains two independent clauses connected by a comma. Often a run-on sentence can be fixed by making one clause subordinate. If that doesn't work, break the run-on sentence into two sentences. ...
1. The sunshine is too bright; put on some suncream.2. The cat jumped from step to step and it gracefully landed with each jump.3. Artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword which brings us both benefits and challenges.4. Gone are the days of picking up the phone or heading over...
Run-OnSentences Definition:Arun-onsentenceeitherhastoomanyindependentclausesortwoindependent clausesthatarenotlinkedcorrectly. Twotypesofrun-onsentencesarefusedsentencesandcommasplices. StrategiesforCorrectingFusedSentences: 1.Createacompoundsentence. Insertingacoordinatingconjunction(for,and,nor,but,or,yet,so)...
1. Comma splices A run-on sentence with a comma splice consists of two independent clauses separated by acommaand missing aconjunction—for example: I need a new TV, mine’s broken. The movie was good, the special effects were awesome. ...
在写作过程中,写作者要注意的一种语言错误是串句(Run-on Sentences)。这是写作时最常出现的错误之一,即将两个独立的句子错误地连在一起,之间用逗号隔开或没有任何标点符号;或者把连接副词(conjunctive adverbs)当成连接词,使得句子之间没有间断,界限不清,这就出现了串句,也叫不间断句子。 (一)串句分析 串句一...
SentenceFragments,CommaSplicesandRun-on…Sentence Fragments, Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences Fragments, comma splices and run-ons, the most common problems faced by writers, may be caught by proof-reading. Begin with your last sentence and read your paper backwards one sentence at a time. ...