解析 run on:without a rhetorical pause between lines.诗文行间没有修辞停顿.comma splice:逗号叠加,如果你用逗号连接两个相互独立的完整句子,那么你就犯了“逗号叠加”的语法错误.sentence fragment:残缺句,不管使用哪种句式,句子结构必须完整,不宜使用残缺句.choppy:生涩、没有条理...
英语改错:identify stylistic problem~ 请问run on、comma splice、fragment、choppy分别指的是什么错误可否举例说明,可追加分数~
run on:without a rhetorical pause between lines. 诗文行间没有修辞停顿。comma splice:逗号叠加,如果你用逗号连接两个相互独立的完整句子,那么你就犯了“逗号叠加”的语法错误。sentence fragment:残缺句,不管使用哪种句式,句子结构必须完整,不宜使用残缺句。choppy:生涩、没有条理 50分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告...
run on:without a rhetorical pause between lines. 诗文行间没有修辞停顿。comma splice:逗号叠加,如果你用逗号连接两个相互独立的完整句子,那么你就犯了“逗号叠加”的语法错误。sentence fragment:残缺句,不管使用哪种句式,句子结构必须完整,不宜使用残缺句。choppy:生涩、没有条理 ...
A fragment is an incomplete sentence. It does not encompass a complete thought. What is a run-on? A run-on is two sentences written as one with no punctuation between the two sentences. What is a comma splice? A comma splice is two sentences written with a comma separating the two ...
1: run on sentence 两个独立完整的单句之间没有用连词或正确的标点进行连接。这种句子至少有两部分,每部分可独立成句。 1)两个独立的句子连在一起,中间并没有任何标点符号; 2)两个独立的句子中间仅用逗号分开---comma splice; 3)把连接副词误用为连词。 例1:she continued teaching,however her heart was ...
Sentence Fragments are incomplete sentences. The fragment may be missing a subject, missing a verb, missing both subject and verb, or may begin with a subordinating conjunction. Sentence fragments typically occur because of the misuse of the period.Dan said he would come. But spent the day ...
句子运行,句子片段,逗号拼接 望采纳………
Acommaspliceisatypeofrun- onwherebytwoindependent clauses—orcomplete sentences—areincorrectly joinedbyacomma. CommaSplices Example TodayIamtired,Iwill takeanaplater. CommaSplices GrammaticalError:This commasplicehastwo independentclausesor completesentencesjoined ...
Share on Facebook run-on sentence (redirected fromRun-on sentences) Thesaurus Related to Run-on sentences:comma splice,sentence fragment n. 1.Seefused sentence. 2.A very long sentence, especially one lacking order or coherence. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Editio...