运行oculus h..出现这个有可能是oculus runtime 的服务被杀毒防护软件停止了。我们可以进入任务管理器,点击服务。找到OVRService 如果该服务处于“已停止”状态,那右键点击他然后再点“开始”,看到它
Hello i have been thinking in getting a oculus rift but i want to see if my computer can run it i have been on the site and did there performance test it said i meet the min specs but i want to make sure im good before i buy and run really hard games here are my specs i5-457...
Megan Logan
Google Home 12 ❌ An error message on startup says "Home cannot run without Google Play Services, which are not supported by your device." Google Meet 2021.10.03.404303734.Release 11 🆖 Requires GMS, Share screen doesn't work due to WSA's windowed nature Google Photos 5.91.0....
联想Y50 笔记本白..因为驱动runtime的渲染目前不兼容笔记本的双显卡切换技术(Nvidia的Optimus技术 和AMD的Dual graphics技术), 在核显+独显的笔记本上DK2只能调用核心显卡进
RELATED:The Oculus Rift Will Make You A Virtual Believer REALTED:Oculus Rift and Razer Hydra; A Look at a VR Cover-Based Shooter (Video) REALTED:John Carmack Becomes Oculus VR's CTO [ViaPolygon]
Google Home 12 ❌ An error message on startup says "Home cannot run without Google Play Services, which are not supported by your device." Google Meet 2021.10.03.404303734.Release 11 🆖 Requires GMS, Share screen doesn't work due to WSA's windowed nature Google Photos 5.91.0....
КладовкаКодзимы [Metal Gear|Death Stranding] 已添加 2016 4月 12 The Fan Legacy: Metal Gear Solid, un proyecto creado por fans de la saga para llevar la popular franquicia a la realidad virtual. Ya está disponible la primera demo de esta peculiar experiencia.The Fan ...
分享44 oculusrift吧 黑桃K0F 运行oculus home出现cant reach oculus runtime service解决方法 出现这个有可能是oculus runtime 的服务被杀毒防护软件停止了。 我们可以进入任务管理器,点击服务。找到OVRService 如果该服务处于“已停止”状态,那右键点击他然后再点“开始”,看到它的状态变为“正在运行”。然后再运行oc...
you’ll start getting sick very quickly. Oculus promises that the specs will stay the same for the lifetime of the current Rift consumer edition, so they’ll presumably get cheaper as time goes on. For now, though, the Rift is still very much a device for somebody who’s willing to pu...