<windows-node> SSH: EXEC sshpass -d10 ssh -vvv -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o 'IdentityFile="/home/myuser/workspace/zuul-infra/nodepool_id_rsa"' -o 'User="Administrator"' -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o ControlPath=/home/myuser/.ansible/cp/ff837722d7 windows-node 'chcp...
windows.txt ftplugin indent keymap lua macros pack plugin queries spell syntax tools tutor CMakeLists.txt delmenu.vim filetype.lua ftoff.vim ftplugin.vim ftplugof.vim indent.vim indoff.vim macmap.vim makemenu.vim menu.vim mswin.vim neovim.ico nvim.appdata.xml nvim.desktop nvim.png ...
neovim代码片段运行插件sniprun 在vscode中有个非常好用的插件叫做code runner,它可以运行各种语言的代码片段,非常方便测试一些简单的代码特性。 在neovim中,也有这样的插件,其中sniprun 是用户使用最多的一个插件。 6cd5d200-7957-11eb-8305-bebb3e2da49e.png 安装 通过packer或者vim-plug安装起来非常简单。 packer...
Finally, if you want to continue to hack on thisinside the cluster, without any other dependencies, you could runasw101/nvgocontainer insider your cluster. It usesneovim,goplslanguage server in the officialgolangDocker image. Summary In this post you have deployed Redis Cluste...
Finally, if you want to continue to hack on thisinside the cluster, without any other dependencies, you could runasw101/nvgocontainer insider your cluster. It usesneovim,goplslanguage server in the officialgolangDocker image. \n \n Summary ...
Is it really reproducible case on your end? I could not see any errors on it. Also it does not havetsconfig.jsonwhich you stated in the original post. So I found out that the error messages dont exist on my Macbook while on my main computer (Windows 10) it shows tho...
C++: 生成源代码并且包含Makefiles, 另外, 提到了一个名为NME的2D跨平台游戏库. 简单的看了一下, 从特性上看, 似乎是除了Cocos2D-X以外一个较为不错的选择, 而从一些介绍看, 这个库本似乎是一个模仿Flash的库, 因为使用了Haxe这个神奇的语言, 所以现在已经支持了从iOS到Android到Windows等众多平台了. ...
nodeJs is up to date v 16.8.0 and npm v 7.21.0 my the compilation works perfectly on my windows dev machine. Laracasts Elite Hall of Fame Sinnbeck Posted 3 years ago Can you try runningnpm rebuildand then try again? 0 Level 2 ...
AsyncRun is capable to run commands in Vim/NeoVim's internal terminal with the -mode=term option. You can specify how to open the terminal window by -pos=?, available positions are: -pos=tab: open the terminal in a new tab. -pos=TAB: open the terminal in a new tab on the left si...
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