2:19:57 PM [mysql] Expected Path: c:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=c:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini mysql I really don't understand all this. It seems to be looking in the program files directory but should be looking in the Xampp directory. ...
lizhangqu@lizhangqu-Inspiron-3421:~$ mysql -h localhost -u root -p Enter password: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) lizhangqu@lizhangqu-Inspiron-3421:~$ 以上命令的路径默认为linux系统附带的mysql路径,故出现以上问...
XAMPP是一个十分流行的Web服务器解决方案,它汇集了Apache、MySQL、PHP和Perl这些用于开发和测试网站的关键组件。虽然XAMPP最初是为Windows操作系统设计的,但如今它也可以在Linux系统上运行。在Linux系统上安装和运行XAMPP可以为开发者和网站管理员带来许多便利,让他们能够更加高效地管理和测试网站。 要在Linux系统上运行XAM...
因此,我将XAMPP MySQL端口从3306更改为3308,一切都很好。
Running a PHP file requires specific tools like PHP and MySQL and servers like Apache. Instead of downloading all of the ones we mentioned, we recommend you only download and install a program like XAMPP - this will provide you with everything you need in the installer package. The best ...
you can browse and see what fits to your needs. In most cases you will need XAMPP Lite, a reduced version of XAMPP with Apache 2.2.8 + PHP 5.2.5 + MySQL 5.0.51a + phpMyAdmin 2.11.4 + OpenSSL 0.9.8g + SQLite 2.8.15. XAMPP Lite is described as a “Take-Run-Delete-Forget-it pac...
The best solution is, to take a backup of two directories “htdocs” and “mysql" by copying these to some other location. Then reinstall the xampp. And restore these two folders by copying them back. You can also take backup of any other setting or configuration that you have don...
File "/home/user1/code/mysql_helper.py", line 71, in select self.__session.execute(query, values) 运行sudo find / -type s命令去找到本机所有的socket文件。 我自己的环境下,因为是xampp集成环境,所以socket文件在/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock这个位置。
I wanted to start from scratch - so I delete everything what looks like MySQL on the computer from the hard drive. But when I reinstall the MySQL software then, I always find the previous (my previously changed) my.ini back in the ProgramData directory. Seems to me some old files are ...
XAMPP(Apache+MySQL+PHP+PERL)是一个功能强大的建 XAMPP 软件站集成软件包。官网下载速度太慢了,放这上面方便各位取用点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:11 积分 电信网络下载 feuerwehr-app 2024-11-25 18:44:45 积分:1 requireJs 2024-11-25 18:30:59 积分:1 ...