推荐在etc/profile.d里新建一个env.sh,里面写 exportPATH=PATH=PATH:D:/msys2/mingw64/bin 完事后用指令source /etc/profile来刷新配置,再用echo $PATH来查看环境变量是否添加成功。 为了在VS Code的终端中使用xmake命令,还需要将D:\msys2\mingw64\bin加入到Windows的环境变量中。 注意,这里如果你发现改了环境...
msys2 / MINGW-packages Public Notifications Fork 1.2k Star 2.3k New issue Jump to bottom [ecppack] Mingw-w64 runtime failure: 32 bit pseudo relocation (...) out of range #10547 Closed umarcor opened this issue Jan 14, 2022· 11 comments Closed [ecppack] Mingw-w64 runtime...
I can see "MinGW Makefiles" in the output of the error above. Depending on the compiler used inside msys2, which can be the msys2 gcc or the MinGW subsystem gcc, it might be necessary one generator or the other. The runtime for them is also different. In this blog post related to C...
local/mingw-w64-x86_64-clang-tools-extra 16.0.5-3 Extra tools built using Clang's tooling APIs (mingw-w64) local/mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake 3.27.3-1 A cross-platform open-source make system (mingw-w64) local/mingw-w64-x86_64-crt-git 11.0.0.r124.ge89de847d-1 (mingw-w64-x86_64...
而这仅仅是第一步:它已经从 * VC运行时 * 中分离出来了。把它想象成一个婴儿。假以时日,它会...
/* With some toolchains (MSYS2/mingw for example) the compiler * provides various builtins which are not really implemented and * fall back to the stdlib where they aren't provided and fail at * build/link time. In case the user provides a header, including ...
而这仅仅是第一步:它已经从 * VC运行时 * 中分离出来了。把它想象成一个婴儿。假以时日,它会...
If you want to build Qt with MSYS2 see Base Package: mingw-w64-qt6-base - MSYS2 Packages<https://packages.msys2.org/base/mingw-w64-qt6-base> for more information. There you can see that the MSYS2 project has a few patches that ...
now i have 3 shortcuts with MSYS icons in the start menu, i run the "msys2", then try to install as documented $ pacman -S $MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX-zed pacman: unknown option -- z $ echo $MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX-zed -zed D'OH... well, i wanna native experience, so i open another...
/c/Ruby25-x64/bin/rake: line 4: {#: command not found Steps to reproduce Install Git for Windows Install Ruby 2.5.3-1-x64 with MSYS2 Open Git MINGW64 command window Runrake What's the output fromridk version? $ ridk version bash: ridk: command not found ...