1、docker run命令: 2、启动成功如下: 3、进入容器 4、容器里执行mongo命令,并查看库,启动成功。 5、mongo-express web管理工具 6、启动...
sudo docker run -p 27017:27017 -v /tmp/db:/data/db -d mongo:3.4.5 运行mongodb 客户端 sudo docker run -it mongo mongo --host <宿主机IP地址> --port 27017 [wj@localhost ~]$ sudo docker run -p 27017:27017 --name mymongo -di 71c101e16e61 [wj@localhost ~]$ sudo docker exec -i...
Mongodb 是功能强大的NoSQL数据库,这里简要讲解一下如何在Docker中运行Mongodb。 Run mongo db image docker run--name aihr-p27017:27017-v/data/db:/data/db-d mongo:3.4--auth Login 登录并创建自己用户 docker exec -it aihr mongo admin db.createUser({user: 'lwk', pwd: '123456', roles: [{...
1. 安装Docker 首先,确保你的系统上安装了Docker。你可以通过以下命令安装Docker: sudoapt-getupdatesudoapt-getinstalldocker.io 1. 2. 2. 拉取MongoDB镜像 使用以下命令拉取MongoDB的官方镜像: dockerpull mongo 1. 3. 运行MongoDB并设置密码 使用以下命令运行MongoDB,并设置密码: dockerrun--namemongodb-d-...
Installing Docker on your System 1. To run the MongoDB Docker Container on your system, you will need to install the Docker runtime. If you already have Docker installed, you can skip this section. Luckily, if you are running a Linux operating system, we have a quick and easy install ...
mongodb docker run replset 文心快码BaiduComate 为了使用 Docker 搭建 MongoDB 的 Replica Set,我们可以遵循以下步骤来配置和运行 MongoDB 容器。以下将详细说明每一步操作: 1. 查找 MongoDB Docker 镜像 首先,确保你的 Docker 环境已经安装并运行。然后,你可以通过 Docker Hub 查找 MongoDB 的官方镜像。通常,...
mountPath: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d readOnly: true - name: mongodb-configmap mountPath: /config readOnly: true - name: mongodb-data mountPath: /data/db nodeSelector: size: large volumes: - name: k8-test secret: secretName: mongodb-secret ...
docker run --rm -it docker.io/bitnami/mongodb:5.0.10-debian-11-r3 WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested mongodb 20:51:20.14 mongodb 20:51:20.17 Welcome to the Bitnami mon...
$dockerrun-it--linkpsmdb--rmpercona/percona-server-mongodb:6.0mongoshmongodb://MONGODB_SERVER:PORT/DB_NAME SetMONGODB_SERVER,PORT, andDB_NAMEwith the IP address of thepsmdbcontainer, the port of your MongoDB Server (default value is 27017), and the name of the database you want to ...
docker run \ --name=brave_hawking \ --hostname=ad5c188c4bb4 \ --mac-address=02:42:ac:11:00:05 \ --env=PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \ --env=GOSU_VERSION=1.12 \ --env=JSYAML_VERSION=3.13.1 \ ...