Of the 143994 characters on Anime Characters Database, 60 are from the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run.
Make suggestions to Player_03 for changes to Run 3 and/or to any future Run games in the tables below. To suggest an idea, add a line to the appropriate table with your suggestion and your name after it, like these ideas. To see accepted and rejected suggestions, go here. ...
Family Tree Most liked six word reviews Tribute Wealthiest Characters Tribute Links Yesterday 03:59 pm Anonymous Who is this? Replies: 1 Bro looks like the dude too be that local crackhead at the nearest 7/11💀 Pray for bro-Anonymous...
She especially enjoys throwing her Cherry Bombs, which blow up like fireworks. Surprisingly, the smoke from her exploded bombs smells sweet and can relieve one of all the stress in the world. Water Bomb[] (+500 points for Cherry Jellies) Uh-oh. You're in trouble! Cherry Cookie's got...
This game not only remastered the iconic vehicles and mechanics found in earlier versions, but also introduced new elements like branching paths, providing players with a unique experience in each playthrough. Packed with relentless action and an unforgettable cast of characters, Metal Slug X remains...
The internet understands the influence and importance of the show, and, as a result, has created just as important andinfluential memes to accompany it. The most popular of them all has to be the "Naruto Run," where people run just like the characters in the show do, with their arms be...
So, we're two hours into "Eat, Sleep, Break The Streak" and we're getting banged on like a chinese gong. To add to our dismay off our second $500 buy in we've dwindled down to $365 and are confronted by an Asian's 3bet when we open on the button to $30 trying to fold ou...
uncategorized Spawning salmon, a recipe for rice, and hot crazy types uncategorized Mascots, athletic Japanese, and evolution denial uncategorized Butterflies, and English: The silent language uncategorized Bribes, German, parental figures, and inter-cultural lunch ...
the first look at the cover for “Venom” #1 by Hitch, which shows Eddie Brock lunging towards readers with his tongue flailing in the wind. Details for the series are still scarce, but readers can get their first glimpse at what this new era of Venom will look like on August 14, ...
” Yangstates in the press release:“I’m so exited to be joining the board of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Like many people, I’ve found it more and more different to wrap my head around issues of free speech because of recent events. However, I still believe that, to borrow...