I'm using WSL2 and not PHP installed in my WSL2. And I run my Laravel project with a custom PHP docker container. I'm not using Laravel Sail for that. Is there any way to make Laravel Pint run it on my PHP docker container? d8vjorkcommentedDec 26, 2023 This will be difficult as...
project-managerale12.8.0 beautify-bladeapi1.0.1 color-infobie0.7.2 vscode-intelephense-clientbme1.10.4 laravel-goto-viewcod1.3.11 devdbdam1.11.4 fastcompareDav1.2.1 githistorydon0.6.20 gitlenseam15.2.3 EditorConfigEdi0.16.4 RunOnSaveeme0.2.0 ...
I am currently using Windows and working on a new Laravel project. Everything has been going smoothly, but I encountered some errors when attempting to run a specific command. The command "npm run dev" is executed in the directory "C:\Users***\Documents\files\Laravel\RSWebSite". The comm...
Acomplete logofthisrun can be foundin:npmERR!C:\Users\wangting\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2021-08-06T06_20_38_961Z-debug.logPSC:\Users\wangting\Desktop\Wisdom_admin\wisdom_admin> 遇到这样的报错 需要进行 删除一下node_modules 然后打开vscode编辑器,打开终端,进入到项目目录底下,安装依赖 ...
在npm run serve上调试一个Node.js项目可以通过以下步骤实现: 确保已经安装了Node.js和npm,并且项目的依赖已经通过npm install安装。 在项目的根目录下创建一个调试配置文件,例如.vscode/launch.json。 在launch.json文件中添加一个配置项,用于调试Node.js项目。配置项的内容如下:...
后端用的PHP的Laravel框架写的,所以要求你会基本的PHP语法,需要你本地有PHP7.2+、MySQL环境。 具体后端项目见:https://github.com/Chef5/PopRun-b 本地搭建好后端项目之后,编辑config.js中的配置,注释掉配置1,打开配置2 保存后,在开发者工具中点击编译运行(信任并运行) ...
这是我的毕业设计:“跑鸭”微信小程序-一款基于校园跑步的社交小程序技术栈:Laravel+MySQL 环境:PHP:7.2~8.0、Laravel: 6.x 如果你是PHP:8.1+,可以切到分支 php-8.1 使用,该分支用的Laravel9 前端项目:https://github.com/Chef5/PopRun 一、功能设计 “跑鸭”微信小程序的核心功能就是:跑步+社交+活动,...
无法在Laravel项目中使用deploy.sh文件运行"npm“(使用Laravel ) 、、、 我可以运行"npm run prod“。我在一个deploy.sh文件中放置了相同的命令。同样,我仍然可以使用./deploy.sh,运行部署脚本,并且它可以工作。但是当发生git钩子时,相同的部署脚本无法运行。deploy.sh脚本如下: # everything works fine, but the...
Laravel artisan plugin for zsh to help you to run artisan from anywhere in the project tree, with auto-completion, and it can automatically open files created by artisan! - jessarcher/zsh-artisan
Similarly if you'd prefer to use an alternate runner such as the Laravel artisan runner then override the executable:let test#php#phpunit#executable = 'php artisan test'C++Pattern for Test File: We assume all your test files are prefixed with "test_" or "Test". If not, override the ...