步骤1:打开IntelliJ IDEA 首先,确保你已经安装了IntelliJ IDEA,并成功启动了它。如果你还没有安装,可以在JetBrains官方网站上下载并按照安装指南进行安装。 步骤2:创建一个新的Java项目 在IntelliJ IDEA的欢迎界面上,选择“Create New Project”(创建新项目)或者通过File菜单选择“New”(新建)-> “Project”(项目)。
I'm having trouble running my Java application in IntelliJ IDEA. When I try to run the project, I've made sure that the JDK is correctly configured in the project settings, and I can compile the code without any issues. I've also tried rebuilding the project and restarting the IDE, but...
在IDEA中,选择“Help”菜单,然后选择“Show Log in Explorer”(Windows)或“Show Log in Finder”(Mac)。打开日志文件后,搜索与Java或运行相关的错误信息。这些信息可能会帮助您进一步诊断问题。如果问题仍然存在,您可能需要考虑更新IntelliJ IDEA到最新版本或寻求社区的帮助。在更新之前,请确保备份您的项目和配置文件...
Hello all, is it possible to intelliJ to build and run single packages in a Java project and (ignore) the other packages. When I remove the "Build" option from the Run/Debug configuration, then I need each time to rebuild each class in the package manually before running it. This "solu...
打开IntelliJ IDEA。 点击File->Project Structure(或使用快捷键Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S) 。 在左侧选择Project,确保Project SDK设置为合适的 JDK 版本。 示例代码 下面是一个简单的 Java 程序,该程序将输出 “Hello, World!”。我们可以使用此示例来测试我们的IDE配置。
See Tutorial: Debug your first Java application for a quick introduction to IntelliJ IDEA's debugger. Run static analysis to see where incorrect values might be coming from. If a logic error is present, the debugger may save you a lot of time finding and fixing the cause. See Tutorial: ...
Start a project in IntelliJ IDEA When you start IntelliJ IDEA, it will show you theWelcome screen. From theWelcome to IntelliJ IDEAdialog, you can do the following: Create a new project Create your first Java application Open a project ...
Run containerized Java applications on Azure Here is how you can dockerize and run a Maven project on Azure – it only takes three steps: Create a Java Maven project inIntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. Add docker support to the project. ...
In IntelliJ IDEA 9, you can choose a configuration that you wish to run with one of the following shortcuts: Alt+Shift+F9to debug your application. Alt+Shift+F10to run it. Invoking any of these actions displays a pop-up window with available configurations, like this: ...