然后我在1.8的jdk运行环境下执行17编译的包,启动提示报错信息: Java Runtime (class file version 61.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/nuctech/init/WebApplication has been compiled by amore recent vers...
Why do you show an error message telling me too install one. Now i have to read tons of doku, change config files and whatever else. How about you make it that is “just works”. It is not that difficult to look in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines for a java which ...
JarFileJavaCommandBatScriptUserJarFileJavaCommandBatScriptUser双击bat脚本执行Java命令运行jar包 在上面的序列图中,用户通过双击bat脚本来执行Java命令,然后Java命令再运行jar包。 关系图 下面是一个使用mermaid语法表示的关系图示例,展示了bat脚本与Java程序之间的关系: erDiagram BatScript ||..|| JavaCommand : 调...
By default, this checkbox is not selected. In this case, classes of dependent modules are searched in .jar files in a Maven local repository. If you select this checkbox, the classes of the dependent modules will be searched in the module compilation output. In this case, each time you ma...
The feature Smith offers is commonly known as "hotswap": the difference with hotswap is that you don't need to start your jvm (and therefore your container) in debug mode. Smith is a pure java application that monitors only the class and jar folders you've told it to monitor, therefore...
Piranha 24.4.0 的发布带来了一些值得注意的更改,例如:在 Piranha CLI 中添加了 coreprofile start 、 coreprofile run 和 coreprofile stop 命令;Payara Uber 更名为 Payara Fin,该包装器将允许开发人员在 JAR 文件中运行所有内容;并向 Maven 插件公开了 --https-keystore-file 和 --https-keystore-password ...
Windows下IDEA run能运行springboot,java -jar maven打的包拉有中文的nacos配置,报org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException错误解决 该问题主要是因为maven打包时没有使用utf-8编码格式,解决方案如下: 在springboot打包插件中增加打包编码配置: <configuration><!--解决系统编码非UTF-8情况下打包编码问题--><jvm...
By default, this checkbox is not selected. In this case, classes of dependent modules are searched in .jar files in a Maven local repository. If you select this checkbox, the classes of the dependent modules will be searched in the module compilation output. In this case, each time you ma...
//load libart.so 初始化JniInvocation::JNI_CreateJavaVM_接口jni_invocation.Init(NULL); JNIEnv* env;if(startVm(&mJavaVM, &env)!= 0) {return; } onVmCreated(env);/** Register android functions.*/if(startReg(env)< 0) { ALOGE("Unable to register all android natives\n");return; ...
但是如果apk在Manifest中设置了android:vmSafeMode=”true” ,那么无论是否使用了其他模式进行强制编译,apk会始终以interpret-only方式编译,导致问题一直存在。 比如我们使用speed编译,日志中依然是interpret-only: 总结 在进行apk热修复、插件化、动态加载的时候,会经常多个jar/dex包含相同的class,如果class结构因为需要...