Run, Hide, Fight: Directed by Grace Telesco. With Brandon Sirota, Christina Rodriguez, Peter Merlo, David Troxell. This is a training video to showcase what happens and what to do in an active shooter situation on a college campus.
我们无法控制一个陌生人在某个时刻、某个地点发动攻击,能做的只有学着保全自己和孩子的安全。美国FBI发布的指引表示,当暴力袭击来临时,谨记三点:Run(逃离),Hide(躲藏),Fight(反击)。休斯敦政府还专门制作了一个5分多钟的视频,形象生动地展示在遇到恐怖袭击时,应该如何应对。 回复 举报|4楼2018-09-02 12:58 ...
Original Title: Run Hide FightRating: 15Genres: Action, Drama Release: 10/05/2021Item ID: 1370Run Time: 109 min.Production Year: 2020Original Title: Run Hide FightRating: 15Genres: Action, Drama Release: 24/05/2021Item ID: 1370Run Time: 109 min.Production Year: 2020Original Title: Run ...
美国FBI教导民众在遭遇恐怖袭击时,遵守三条准则:逃离(RUN)、躲藏(HIDE)、反击(FIGHT)。一起来学习一下这些求生法则吧! If you are to ever find yourself in the middle of an active shooter event, your survival may depend on whether or not y...
The plan doesn't have to be complicated. There are three things you could do that make a difference: Run. Hide. Fight. 计划不用很复杂,你可以做三件事来应对:逃离、躲藏、反击。 RUN. When an active shooter is in your vicinity: 逃离。当枪击案在你周围发生时: If there is an escape path,...
Slash Film How to Watch the NFL on Netflix on Christmas Day 2024 12/26/2024 by Henry Goldblatt Tudum - Netflix ‘Survivor’: Why Jeff Probst Stopped Saying This Iconic Line During Tribal Councils Get the IMDb app For Android and iOS...
【NEW自译| 电影】#run hide fight# 校园大逃sha 熟了 60帧哦~没有让我失望,这部电影各个方面都非常成熟,整个看下来真的是丝滑体验,非常流畅~女主人设是母亲去世,所以自我封闭,并且产生了母亲跟自己对话的幻象,她知道自己有问题,但是不愿意承认。而她的父亲是一位退伍兵,一直希望女儿能走出阴影。故事开头就...
Download Now DURING an active shooter event When to run During an active shooter event is when “Run, Hide, Fight” training should kick in. If a shooter is in the vicinity and you believe escape is possible, you should run to the nearest escape route and get as far away from the sc...