.project .settings .springBeans .sts4-cache bin/ !**/src/main/**/bin/ !**/src/test/**/bin/ ### NetBeans ### /nbproject/private/ /nbbuild/ /dist/ /nbdist/ /.nb-gradle/ ### VS Code ### .vscode/ ### Mac OS ### .DS_Store 2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions 2 ....
Failed DoerCheckerUsersSeeAppropriateOptions [30 s] Error Message: OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException : unknown error: result.webdriverValue.value list is missing or empty in Runtime.callFunctionOn response (Session info: chrome=119.0.6045.105) Stack Trace: at OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriver.UnpackAndThrowOnE...
In Databricks Runtime 16.0 and above, installing libraries from DBFS is fully disabled. This change is made to improve the security of libraries in a Databricks workspace. Additionally, in Databricks Runtime 16.0 and above, you can no longer use the Spark configuration spark.databricks.driver....
但是,当我通过buildship/gradle导入导入项目(此时有0个eclipse配置文件)时,子项目是通过“库”而不是“projects”来包含的(参见下面的图像)。相反,如果我使用gradle的eclipse任务来生成eclipse文件(即.classpath),那么配置就会像我所期望的那样结束。这是目前对Buildship的限制,还是我需要在我的gradle文件中做一 浏览2...
In the build.gradle file of the app directory, remove the AndroidX-related dependencies and add the following dependencies: implementation externalAndroidSupportV4 implementation externalAndroidAppCompatV7 implementation project(':Aliyunplayer:player_demo') After the AliyunPlayer...
Spring Boot自动配置尝试根据添加的jar依赖项自动配置Spring应用程序。例如,如果 HSQLDB在我们的类路径上,...
运行了一个项目,导入之后加载完成之后右键运行一直报这个错误 找到 :C:\Users\王宁伟\Desktop\mysiteforme\.settings 下面的org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml 将version=”1.0”改成version=”2.5”,然后重启sts,但是没有用。 透过现象看... ...
com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-sts 1.12.638 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-support 1.12.638 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-js-libraries 1.11.22 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-workspaces 1.12.638 com.amazonaws jmespath-java 1.12.638 com.clearspring.analytics stream 2.9.6 com.databricks Rserve 1.8-3 com....
@bradlord I couldn't get the gradle project working in vscode, therefore, I have convrted your project into Maven project: sts-test-failure.zip Tests run fine... do you mind tweaking that specific Maven project into something that has test failures? It is important to include .vscode fold...
Bug 1258618 - Serialize substs/configs and defines bools as '1' or ''…gradle.properties Bug 1218370 - Use Gradle daemon in srcdir builds. r=me gradlew Bug 1123416 - Part 1: Make topsrcdir a valid Gradle project root. r=s…mach...