: to run on or over in athletic competition runs the bases well run the floor b : to accomplish or perform by or as if by running ran a great race run errands c : to slip or go through or past run a blockade run a red light d : to travel on in a boat ru...
Jordyn is a very good interaction between classes, the kids don't like sit down, and they always like errands everywhere. However, this week has been a much better situation, and are willing to teach reading in a one-on-one to sit down when the Chinese-language words and teacher practice...
So, we're two hours into "Eat, Sleep, Break The Streak" and we're getting banged on like a chinese gong. To add to our dismay off our second $500 buy in we've dwindled down to $365 and are confronted by an Asian's 3bet when we open on the button to $30 trying to fold ou...