-d, --detach=true|false Detached mode: run the container in the background and print the new container ID. The default is false. At any time you can run docker ps in the other shell to view a list of the running containers. You can reattach to a detached container with docker attach...
Before starting aDocker container, you must, first of all, decide if you want to run it in the defaultforeground modeor in the background in adetached mode. In theforeground mode,Dockercan start the process in the container and attach the console to the process’s standard input, standard ...
我们在运行同一个仓库中的不同镜像时,可以通过在仓库名后面加上一个冒号和标签名 来指定该仓库中的某一具体的镜像,例如 docker run --name custom_container_name –i –t docker.io/ubunto:12.04 /bin/bash,表明从镜像 Ubuntu:12.04 启动一个容器,而这个镜像的操 作系统就是 Ubuntu:12.04。在构建容器时指定...
docker run 运行ubantu docker uwsgi 部署环境说明 在Ubuntu18.04的服务器上部署的程序。然后分别启动了两个docker,dockerA是我自己用DockerFile编写的环境,用于运行vue项目。dockerB则是直接从nginx官网拉下来的docker(docker pull nginx) 方式一:通过HTTP协议 使用HTTP 协议,通过端口(如 :5000)接收请求 需要Nginx 或...
$ docker run --cidfile /tmp/docker_test.cid ubuntu echo "test" This creates a container and prints test to the console. The cidfile flag makes Docker attempt to create a new file and write the container ID to it. If the file exists already, Docker returns an error. Docker closes th...
$ docker run --cidfile /tmp/docker_test.cid ubuntu echo "test" This creates a container and prints test to the console. The cidfile flag makes Docker attempt to create a new file and write the container ID to it. If the file exists already, Docker returns an error. Docker closes th...
这会启动一个交互式的 Ubuntu 容器,并打开一个 bash shell。 映射端口 docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx:latest 这会在后台启动一个 Nginx 容器,并将容器的 80 端口映射到主机的 8080 端口。 挂载卷 docker run -d -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container nginx:latest ...
Step 1: Install docker To get started with the installation of Docker, log in to your Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and first update the package lists as shown: $ sudo apt update Next, install the dependencies that are required by Docker to function as expected: ...
4. Test your Docker container Now we have Docker up and running. Let’s test it by running an Ubuntu Docker container: docker run -it ubuntu bash And we can run the following to check that the processes are running correctly: ps aux ...
docker exec[OPTIONS]CONTAINER COMMAND[ARG…] 常用选项: -d:--detach,后台运行命令 -e,--envlist 设置env -i,--interactive启用交互式 -t,--tty启用终端 -u,--userstring 指定用户 (格式: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>]) -w,--workdirstring 指定工作目录 ...