1. 编写dockerfile 文件 2. docker build 命令,构建 image 示例 docker build -f . //用当前目录下dockerfile文件构建image, -f 后面不跟文件名则默认是dockerfile docker build -f /home/user/testfile //用/home/user/下的testfile文件构建image 当前目录下的dockerfile创建image,并命名为 userName1/imageN...
docker container wait docker context docker debug docker desktop (Beta) docker exec docker image docker images docker info docker init docker inspect docker login docker logout docker manifest docker network docker node docker plugin docker ps docker pull docker push docker run docker scout...
使用命令docker login --username=<阿里云账号> registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com 登录阿里云。如下图输入密码: docker tag <ImageId> registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/yusongcao/ssh:1.00 docker push registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/yusongcao/ssh:1.00 执行以上两条命令 把打好的镜像推送到阿里云 登录阿里...
docker container wait docker context docker debug docker desktop (Beta) docker exec docker image docker images docker info docker init docker inspect docker login docker logout docker manifest docker network docker node docker plugin docker ps docker pull docker push docker run docker scout...
Docker uses the docker run command with the following syntax: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]You can set all the arguments for this command using the options of the Docker Image run configuration. By default, the Docker Image configuration has the following options: ...
Create:Run | Edit Configurations || Docker Image Item Description Name Specify a name for the run configuration to quickly identify it among others when editing or running. Store as project file Save the file with the run configuration settings to share it with other team members. The default ...
Docker Hub is an excellent source of images to get you started building your own containerized apps. You can download an image that provides the basic functionality you require, then layer your own application on top of it to create a new custom image. You can automate the steps for this...
DockerfileCopy FROMmcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0WORKDIR/appCOPYmyapp_code .RUNdotnet build -c Release -o /relEXPOSE80WORKDIR/relENTRYPOINT["dotnet","myapp.dll"] In this file, the following operations take place: CommandAction FROMDownloads the specified image and creates a new container ...
Docker (to build the new image) Windows OS Diagnosis When trying to run a new container using the newly built image will give you the following error message: $ docker run -p 8090:8090 --name="newContainer"-v confluence:/var/atlassian/application-data/confluence newIma...
Docker CE To run TestEngine tools in Docker containers on other virtualization platforms, additional configuration may be required. Please see the corresponding documentation. Pulling TestEngine image from Docker Hub To get TestEngine Docker image, pull it from Docker Hub. To do this, use the followi...