Docker 提供数据挂载的功能,即可以指定容器内的某些路径映射到宿主机器上,修改命令,添加 -v 参数,启动新的容器。 docker run -d -p 80:80 -v ~/docker-demo/nginx-htmls:/usr/share/nginx/html/ --restart=always nginx:latest 启动成功之后,docker 会帮你生成目录 ~/docker-demo/nginx-htmls,现在里面什么...
docker docker build docker build (legacy builder) docker builder docker buildx docker checkpoint docker compose docker config docker container docker container attach docker container commit docker container cp docker container create docker container diff docker container exec docker container expo...
docker docker build docker build (legacy builder) docker builder docker buildx docker checkpoint docker compose docker config docker container docker container attach docker container commit docker container cp docker container create docker container diff docker container exec docker container expo...
# docker run (-i 交互模式, -t 分配一个终端, -d 后台运行) image-name docker run image-name # 查看运行容器列表 docker ps # 运行、停止、重启、删除容器 docker start/stop/restart/rm container-id # 删除镜像 docker rmi image-name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ...
$docker build -t aws/codebuild/standard:5.0 . Download the CodeBuild agent. To download the x86_64 version of the agent, run the following command: $docker pull To download the ARM version of the agent, run the following command: ...
vim/etc/docker/daemon.json 2、添加以下的内容并保存 { "registry-mirrors": [""] } 3、重启docker systemctl restartdocker 4、查看状态 systemctl statusdocker 5、重新进行测试 dockerrun hello-world 问题解决!!!
fix ci machine for docker on macos Mar 26, 2020 go.mod fix go.mod Jan 28, 2025 go.sum Build(deps): Bump from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0 Jan 23, 2025 netlify.toml site: Update node from 20.18.1 to 20.18.2
This is similar to using the--nameoption with thedocker runcommand. Before launch Specify a list of tasks to perform before starting the run configuration. For example, run another configuration, build the necessary artifacts, run some external tool or a web browser, and so on. ...
We have build docker image locally and ran it and it works perfect. If same was done through azure container registry, we are getting the file/module not found issue. So either files are not copied properly or the files path and importing path in…
Use this type of configuration to run a Docker container from a locally existing image that you eitherpulledorbuiltpreviously. Docker uses thedocker runcommand with the following syntax: dockerrun[OPTIONS]IMAGE[COMMAND][ARG...] You can set all the arguments for this command using the options of...